
  1. Click the General tab in the Journal Types (JNT) dialog.
  2. Specify this information:
    Journal Preset Code
    If a journal preset code is entered then it provides a link to default journal line details for this journal type. Click Journal Presets to review the journal preset details, or to define a new journal preset using Journal Presets (JNP).
    Form Name
    If a journal preset code is entered then it provides a link to Form Name. Select a ledger entry form to be used to enter this journal type. This form must have been defined using Forms Designer (FRD).
    When this journal type is selected in Ledger Entry (LEN), the form definition determines the appearance of the input screen. You must be sure to select a form definition that supports the type of journal you are defining. For example, if you are defining a journal type that requires payment details then you must select a form that includes these fields. You are recommended to create a separate form for each Journal Type.
    Note: If you do not select a form, then the user is prompted to select the appropriate form at runtime.
    Description Per Line

    This controls the entry of the description on each line of the journal. Three options are available:

    • Default Description - Override per Reference: this means you are prompted to enter a new description each time the Transaction Reference changes.
    • No Default Description: this means you are forced to enter a new description on every line of the journal.
    • Default Description - Override per Line: this means you have the option to enter a different description on each line. If you do not enter a different description the Journal Name is used as the default.
    Sequence Number Code

    This code is defined in Ledger Sequences (LEQ) and identifies the numbering sequence that will be used to sequence the transactions. You can enter a sequence number code if you want the journal type to add a sequence number to each transaction automatically in Ledger Entry. For imported transactions, if a sequence number code is defined on the journal type and the sequence number analysis option on the account code is mandatory or optional, the sequence number must be specified in the import file. The number is entered via an analysis dimension specified on Ledger Setup (LES) as the Transaction Sequence Dimension.

    You may also want to refer to the Tax Reporting section.

    Data Access Group

    A Data Access Group code can be used to restrict access on this journal type, either to or from a particular operator group. If you do not specifically restrict or give access permissions, this journal type is available to all operator groups.

    Allocation Marker

    This option is used to automatically set an allocation marker on ledger transactions when they are posted with this journal type. Leave this option blank, or choose No Allocation, to leave the allocation marker blank if predefined allocations are not required. The following allocation options are available:

    • Allocation Markers 0 to 9 - select one of these to automatically set it as the allocation marker on each journal line posted to a creditor, debtor or client account. Any lines in the journal that are entered to other account types, such as profit and loss accounts, are posted with no allocation marker. This is because allocation markers 0 to 9 are used as part of creditor or debtor management, and are not required in other account types.
    • Force - if this option is set to Force, each transaction line of this journal type posted to a creditor, debtor, or client account is assigned this allocation marker to identify it as requiring a forced payment or collection. Any lines in the journal that are entered to other account types, such as profit and loss accounts, are posted with no allocation marker. This is because the Force allocation marker is only used as part of the payment or collection process in creditors, debtors and clients.
    • Withhold - if this option is set to Withhold, each transaction line of this journal type posted to any account type is assigned this allocation marker to identify it as being withheld from the Payment Run (PYR) and Payment Collection Run (PYC).
    • Reconciled - select this option to automatically set the allocation marker to Reconciled on all transaction lines when the journal is posted.
    Payment Profile Code

    If the transactions entered for this journal type are to be paid and allocated immediately after the journal is posted, select the payment profile code that identifies the type of payment run to be used. When the journal is posted, Payment Run (PYR) is initiated automatically and this payment profile code is selected.

    Asset Depreciation Type

    If this journal type is to be used for manually posting depreciation amounts for fixed assets, then use this option to select whether the journal type is for standard depreciation, advanced depreciation or reduction depreciation. Otherwise leave the option set to Standard.

    Asset Sale

    Check this check box if the journal type is to be used to register sales of fixed assets. If this option is set, journals of this journal type get posted with journal source FSALE.

    Note: Do not remove the asset static data if sales proceeds are to be posted after disposal. The asset sale proceeds posting does not need to contain an Asset Marker.
    Journal Class Code

    If you are using voucher numbering, journal transactions are posted with a voucher number that comprises several fields, including the journal class. Each journal class used establishes a different sequence of voucher numbering.

    Select a journal class code so that when a journal is posted with this journal type, the class is implicit. The journal class is then used to increment the appropriate voucher number sequence and assign the correct voucher number to the journal transaction.

    To use this option, Journal classes must already be defined using Journal Class Setup (JNC). Voucher Numbering must be set to either Optional or Mandatory in Ledger Setup (LES). If it is set to Mandatory, you cannot leave this option blank.

    Currency Rate Type

    Currency Rate Types can be used for specific journal types so that when a journal is entered or imported using this journal type the selected currency rate is automatically used.

    Select a Currency Rate Type from the list. If it is not specified the Default rate type is used.

    Report Format Code
    This is the document format code to be used for the journal listing, if it is to be produced automatically. The document format must have been defined in Document Format (DFS).
    Create Without Pause

    When this option is set, Ledger Entry automatically prompts you to enter the next journal line, once you have completed a line. This means you do not need to use the New Line option.

    If journal presets are in use this procedure stops once the final preset line has been entered.

    Reverse Next Period

    This option is set on accrual and prepayment journals. Each transaction line is posted twice. It is posted in the period selected in Ledger Entry (LEN) and then reversed out of the following period.

    Override Ageing/Discount

    This option is set for journal types, such as cash payments or cash receipts, which are 'due' immediately, rather than after the number of days credit specified in the payment terms. If this option is set, the due date is automatically set to the transaction date and the discount dates are ignored.

    This affects the Payment Run (PYR) and Payment Collection Run (PYC) and where such payments are shown in Aged Analysis reports. It also prevents settlement discount being calculated in Payment Run or Payment Collection Run on transactions being posted using this journal.

    Exclude from Revaluation

    This option excludes postings for this journal type from the Ledger Revaluation (LER) processing. If you wish to only exclude from the ledger revaluation balancing run, do not select this option but ensure Suspend Post Rules is selected in the Journal Types - Posting Overrides (JTX) form.

    Note: The Exclude from Revaluation option works by marking transactions that are posted with this option set to be excluded from Ledger Revaluation. Changing this option does not affect transactions retrospectively.
    Override Value Rate Tolerances

    Currency rate tolerances can be set for each currency rate to check that realistic conversion rates are entered or calculated. If the override option is selected here, any rate tolerance settings for the currency rate entered on the journal, are overridden by the global rate tolerance settings in Ledger Setup (LES).

    Allow Scheduled Payments

    The Scheduled Payments function allows transaction lines to be automatically split according to a schedule of percentages and date information that you can configure and assign to a customer or supplier. Set this option to enable transactions with this journal type to be split using scheduled payments.

    Include Into Withholding Tax

    The Include Into Withholding Tax option is available for the required tax regulations in Argentina. Journal types can be selected so that the related credit note can be picked up, yet exclude other transactions, when adding up the invoices and credit notes for the previous 12 months.

  3. Save your changes.