Held journals

Held journals are journals which cannot be posted for some reason, usually because the journal is incomplete or out of balance. Held journals are stored in a Held Journal File for each business unit.

A journal can be placed on the held journal file as part of the Ledger Entry process. You are given the choice of saving a journal onto this file if you:

  • Try to post the journal and it does not balance.
  • Try to exit the Ledger Entry function without posting a journal.

The journals interfaced from SunSystems Order Fulfilment may be placed on the Held Journal File by default, depending on how the interface is defined using Ledger Interface Setup (LIS).

Note:  The Held Journals file is created for a business unit using Optional Ledger Tables (OLT). It must be created before you store held journals.

You can list the held journals and recall a selected journal using Ledger Entry Held Journals (LEH), or by selecting the View Held Journals action in Ledger Entry (LEN).

Held journals are not included in general Financials reports.