Enterprise Data Management overview

Enterprise Data Management enables the real-time propagation of key static data to multiple business units across different SunSystems installations connected via ION.

This eliminates the overhead required to synchronize reference data for inter-company reporting, accounts and many other business purposes.

Data is propagated between business units via SunSystems Enterprise Data Management BODs, hereafter known as SunSystems EDM BODs.

A business unit publishing a SunSystems EDM BOD is referred to as a 'publisher' business unit. Business units receiving the published SunSystems EDM BODs are referred to as 'subscriber' business units, as they have effectively 'subscribed' to the broadcasts from the publisher business units.

Business units receiving broadcasts may apply SSC transformations to the data, prior to processing it. This addresses any specific requirements for local business entities.

Publishing SunSystems data

Data publication is triggered by the creation, update or deletion of key static data records. Certain static data updates trigger user-defined business rules. In turn, the business rules prompt the relevant SunSystems EDM BODs to be published.

SunSystems EDM BODs are published in the format of SunSystems SSC Export payloads, and contain details of the SunSystems data object for which the data is to be published. Also included are protocols that provide instructions for ION. For example, the verb Sync indicates the record is to be synchronized in the subscriber business unit. Flags indicate whether the record has been inserted or deleted, and how many updates have occurred.

The SunSystems EDM BOD is published to ION, and the publisher activity log is updated with a corresponding record.

Receiving SunSystems data

On arrival, a SunSystems EDM BOD is processed into an SSC payload. If an SSC transformation has been assigned by the subscriber business unit, the data transformation occurs prior to processing the data within SunSystems.

Data within the payload is synchronized with data within the subscriber business unit. If data exists in the payload but not in the subscriber business unit, then it is created in the subscriber business units. If it does exist in the subscriber business unit, it is replaced with the data from the payload. If data exists in the subscriber business unit, but not in the payload, then it is deleted in the subscriber business unit.

The subscriber activity log is updated with a corresponding record.

To use EDM, you must have a working installation of SunSystems and ION.

Documentation for the associated Infor products can be found on the product documentation section of Infor Customer Portal; please refer to some or all of the following guides as relevant to your integration requirements:

  • ION Installation Guide
  • ION Administration Guide
  • SunSystems 6.2 Quick Start Guide: Installing SunSystems / Infor Ming.le™ / ION
  • SS6_EDM_BODs_readme.pdf