Currency Period Rates (CNP) - General
Specify this information:
- Multiply or Divide
- Choose to Multiply
or Divide the From
currency amount by the period rate to determine the To currency amount.
- Conversion Rate
- The currency conversion rate for the period.
- Conversion Rate Decimal Places
- The number of decimal places that are used in the currency
conversion calculation. The conversion rate is rounded to this number of
decimal places before it is used in the calculation.
- Rate Tolerance Checking
- If this option is chosen, a tolerance check is performed on
any rates you enter or rates calculated by the system. This allows you to apply
a sanity check to the rates to stop any unrealistic rates being entered and
used by mistake.
- Rate Tolerance Percentage
- If tolerance checking is required, this is the
maximum tolerance allowed for the period rate. The percentage difference
between the rate entered or calculated, and the rate in the Conversion Rate field above must be
within this percentage. If the Override Rate
Tolerance field in Journal Type is selected, the level
identified here is invalid.
- For zero tolerance, it is set to the nearest currency
sub-unit. For example, a practical 0.01% tolerance level is applied for a 0.00
setting in order to avoid creating a mathematically impossible situation.
Save your changes.