Contacts (CON)
Specify this information:
- Contact Code
- The contact code identifies the contact. This might be a
shortened version of the contact's name.
- Status
- Name
- The contact's full name.
- Title
- The contact's title, for example Mr, Ms, Sir, Doctor.
- Salutation
- The greeting to be used on letters or documents for the
contact. The salutation you enter here follows 'Dear' in the letter.
- Lookup Code
- Gender
- The gender of the contact.
- Position
- The contact's position in the company or job title.
- Comment
- Any comments you want to record about the contact.
- Base Address Code
- The contact's main address as defined using Addresses (ADD).
This code must have already been defined.
- E-mail Address
- The contact's email address.
- Telephone Number
- The contact's telephone number if this is different to the
one defined for the base address. For example, you might record the contact's
extension number here.
- Mobile Phone Number
- The contact's personal or company mobile phone number.
- Telex/Fax Number
- A telex or fax number for the company, if this is different
to the one defined for the base address.
- Contact Misc Date 1 and 2
- Two miscellaneous date fields which can be used as required.
- Contact Misc Description 1 and 2
- Two miscellaneous description fields which can be used as
- Contact Misc Number 1 and 2
- Two miscellaneous number fields which can be used as
- Contact Misc Reference 1 and 2
- Two miscellaneous reference fields which can be used as
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