Supplier (SUS) form - Transaction Analysis tab
Specify this information:
- Enter Analysis 1 - 10
- Up to ten analysis dimension codes can be entered on a
transaction. You can determine the transaction input rules for each dimension.
Three options are available for each transaction analysis dimension:
- Optional - uses the transaction analysis requirements defined for the journal type when transactions are being entered for this supplier.
- Mandatory - forces a valid analysis code to be entered for the dimension on transactions for this supplier. The analysis code is requested during Ledger Entry (LEN), regardless of the selections made in Journal Type (JNT). This also applies to validation during Ledger Import (LIM) and when amending analysis codes on Account Allocations (ACA).
- Prohibited - prevents an analysis code for the dimension being entered on transactions for the supplier.
- Save your changes.
Related topics
- Setting Up Journal Types
- A Quick Guide to Allocating Transactions After Posting