Customers (CUS) form - Order Entry tab
The Order Entry details are only required if you are using Order Fulfilment.
Specify this information:
- Minimum Sales Order Value
- The minimum value allowed on a sales order for this customer.
- Maximum Sales Order Value
- The maximum value allowed on a sales order for this customer.
- Primary Delivery Address
- The default delivery address for this customer.
- Whole Orders Only
- Select Yes to enforce whole sales order processing for this customer. Select Optional to allow, but not enforce, whole sales order processing. The setting on the customer record takes precedence over the setting on the Sales Type.
- Whole Sales Order Line Only
- Select Yes to enforce whole sales order line processing for this customer. Select Optional to allow, but not enforce, whole sales order line processing. The setting on the customer record takes precedence over the setting on the Sales Type.
- Whole Sales Kit Only
- Select Yes to enforce whole sales kit processing for this customer. Select Optional to allow, but not enforce, whole sales kit processing. The setting on the customer record takes precedence over the setting on the Sales Type.
- Default Salesperson
- The sales person who usually deals with this customer. This is optional but if you do want to enter this you must select an employee with a Role Type of Salesperson. Employees are defined using Employees (EMP).
- Default Sales Transaction Type
- The type of sales order transaction to be used as the default for this customer's sales orders.
- Delivery Addresses
- You may want to set up more than one delivery address for a customer if they have multiple sites.
- Acknowledgement Addresses
- You may want to set up more than one acknowledgement address for a customer if they have multiple sites.
- Invoice Addresses
- You may want to set up more than one invoice address for a customer if they have multiple sites.
- Customer Document Formats
- Click Customer Document Formats to select the document formats that are used to produce documents for the customer. For example, to choose a statement format.
- Sales Blanket Contracts
- Click this button to access the Sales Blanket Contract form. Blanket Contracts are set up when a customer has agreed to buy or supply a specific quantity of an item, for a specific price over a specific period.
- Default Dispatch Warehouse
- The warehouse from which goods are usually dispatched to this customer.
- Default Customer Return Location
- The issue location to be used as the default for sales returns of this item. You can define return locations on different forms and these are used in a hierarchy when a sales return note is raised. That is, the system searches for the locations in a specific order. If none is found on the first form it searches the next form and so on. You can change the location displayed or manually enter a location if none is displayed. The return locations can be defined on the following forms and are searched in this order: Item Master, Customers and Sales Type. The Default Return Location field on any of these forms may be left blank. The location selected may be a quarantined location.
- Default Carrier
- The carrier most often used to deliver goods to this customer.
- Customer Items
- Click Customer Items to define the items which are saleable to this customer. If this control is used it is not possible to create sales transactions for other items to this customer.
- Save your changes.
Related topics
- Linking addresses to customers
- Document formats
- Linking document formats to customers and suppliers
- Setting up a Blanket Contract
- Setting up a Warehouse
- Setting up the Item Master
- Setting up Sales Types
- What is Whole Processing?
- Setting up Employee Details