Customers (CUS) form - Payment tab
There are a number of payment details that must be set for a customer, especially if you plan to use Payment Collection Run to collect payments via a bank transfer.
Specify this information:
- Priority Rating
- A priority code is used to group customers, suppliers and clients together for whatever reason. You can enter any number or character to represent the group to which the customer belongs. Certain system functions allow you to use this code to select the group for processing, for example Payment Collection Run, Payment Run and Account Statements.
- Credit Limit
- The amount of credit available to this customer in the base
currency. Leave this blank if the customer has unlimited credit. For a
customer, this limit is reported on the Aged Analysis reports. This limit is
used when Credit Limit Checking is carried out in sales order processing.
Note: The credit limit can be amended here, but is actually held on the Chart of Accounts record where it can also be amended.
- Warning Limit
- The amount of credit that should produce a warning. If the customer's account balance exceeds this amount, a warning appears on Sales Entry when you enter additional transactions for this customer. Leave this amount blank if a warning is not required.
- Overdue Invoice Limit
- The amount of overdue invoices that this customer is allowed
to have before any sales orders are credit held. Leave this field blank if the
customer can have an unlimited amount of overdue invoices, or set the customer
to be disabled from OIC. See Overdue Invoice Check Disabled. This limit is used
when Overdue Invoice Checking is carried out in sales order processing.
Note: The overdue invoice limit can be amended here, but is actually held on the Chart of Accounts record where it can also be amended.
- Days Tolerance Override
- This option is used to override the number of days tolerance defined in the payment terms linked to the customer. If you choose this option you should enter the alternative number of days tolerance.
- Tolerance Days to Apply
- The number of days tolerance that applies to this customer for payment to be made. This number of days is added to the number of discount days defined in the payment terms to calculate the discount date for a transaction.
- Payment Method
- The method this customer uses to settle the account. The
following methods are available:
- Cheque Payment - the customer pays by cheque.
- Bank Payment - the customer account is settled using the automatic bank payment method, for example by direct debit or BACS. If this option is chosen, the customer's bank details must be defined using Bank Details Setup (BNK). This option can only be selected if the automatic bank payments facility has been selected in Ledger Setup (LES).
- Single Payment - a one-off customer pays using a single payment.
- Not Specified - the customer uses an alternative method of payment.
- Default Bank Subcode
- If the customer has more than one bank account and payments are received using bank transfer, you must choose the default bank account to be used. Each bank account is identified by a bank subcode (as defined in Bank Details Setup (BNK)). You might also need more than one bank account, so the customer can settle the account in different currencies.
- Bank Details Setup
- Click Bank Details to set up or amend the customer's bank details using Bank Details Setup (BNK).
- Payment Terms Group Code
- The payment terms that apply to the customer which are defined using Payment Terms (PYT). They determine when a transaction is due for payment, whether any settlement discounts are allowed and can calculate other selected payment related dates and charges, or document dates. The payment terms group also determines whether a transaction must be split into instalments using Scheduled Payments.
- Direct Debit Payments
- This option must be selected if you want to generate debits on this account using Payment Collection Run. This applies to debtors/receivables and client accounts only.
- Immediate Settlement
- This option must be selected if the account is always to be settled in the next Payment Collection Run. This means the due date is ignored. Leave this blank if you want to include a transaction in a Payment Collection Run when the transaction is due for settlement, according to the terms identified in the payment terms.
- To select this option you must have selected a Payment Method of Bank Payment.
- Save your changes.
Related topics
- Payment Terms
- Recording bank details
- Linking addresses to customers
- What are document dates?
- Scheduled payments
- Using payment terms setup
- Linking customers and suppliers to static data
- Setting Up Payment Profiles
- Setting the Customer and Supplier Payment Details
- Overdue Invoice Checking