Payment Run Bank Transfer
The Payment Run Bank Transfer details are required to create a bank transfer file from the payment run. This form is only displayed if all of the system and run time settings have been set to create a bank transfer file.
You can use the bank transfer file as input to another application or software package to prepare the transactions for an automated clearing system, for example BACS.
Specify this information:
- Bank Payments Processing Date
The date on which the payments are to be processed by the bank. You cannot select a date earlier than today's date. In the UK, BACS normally requires a date not less than two days earlier and not more than 40 days later than the date of transmission. This date can be reset or overwritten at the time of transmission.
- Default Bank Transaction Ref
This reference indicates to the payee the reason for payment. The supplier's bank details record can hold a reference. If it does not, the reference entered here is used. You can leave this field blank. A reference is not mandatory in the UK for BACS.
- Ledger Payment Reference
You can enter a reference in this field which is applied to all transactions posted to the payment account. There is no validation check on the reference entered. You can leave it blank.
- Single Payment
Check this check box if you want to generate a single transaction to each payment account for the suppliers paid from this account in the payment run. This option is necessary if you want to use consolidation to set or consolidate analysis codes on the collection bank account transaction, as described below.
Leave this check box unchecked if you want each account paid to be recorded as a separate transaction in the payment account.
Note: If you use this option you cannot use Payment Voiding to cancel a payment for a single supplier. - Print Link
Select this field if you want to go straight to Payment Documents (PYD) when the payment run has finished to produce any supporting documents, for example to print remittances.
- Bank File Identifier
This code is used as the file extension to the Bank Payment File Name to identify the file for this run. This defaults to the bank file identifier that was specified in the previous run with the same payment profile. If this is the first run with the payment profile, it defaults to the bank file identifier specified in the profile, unless that is blank, in which case it defaults to '01'.
- Bank Payments File Path/Name
By default, this option is for display only, showing the file name of the bank transfer file, including the business unit code and the bank file identifier as the extension. If a file of this name already exists, you are warned of this and given the choice to overwrite the file or to cancel the Payment Run. Do not overwrite the file unless you are certain it has been transferred successfully.
If this field is activated, you can enter a different path and file name for the bank transfer file. The path can be a local drive, for example, c:\folder\, or a network location, for example, //computer01/output. Network paths are not case sensitive, and can include '/' forward slashes or '\' back slashes. The file path/name you enter is retained as the default for the next bank payment using this payment profile.
- Save your changes.