Setting up Chart of Accounts - Agency/Broker
- Click the Agency/Broker tab in the Chart of Accounts (COA) dialog.
Specify this information:
- Agency/Broker Account Type
If the business unit is being used as a Broker Ledger operating within a Pay As Paid environment, the system must be able to distinguish between the parties involved in a business transaction. The following options are available:
Set this type on the customer accounts, for example, to identify the insured party
Set this type on the underwriter accounts, for example, to identify the insurer
Set this type on other parties in the transaction who need to be updated when payment is received, for example, to identify third party brokers
Set this type on all other accounts, for example, commission income to the business, or bank charges.
When a transaction is matched, this flag is used by the matching facilities to determine which, if any, linked transactions are released for further processing.
- Save your changes.