Invoking forms from outside the application
You can provide direct access to forms and frequently used functions in SunSystems by creating a modified desktop shortcut, or by invoking the Windows command prompt.
Invoking the Windows Command Prompt
Open the Windows Command Prompt. Go to the cmd in Search programs and files.
menu and typeAt the prompt, specify "<SunSystems installation path>\<SunSystems application executable>.exe" /Code DDD
where DDD is the function shortcut. For example, ADD is the shortcut for the Addresses function.
is case sensitive and must be typed exactly as it is specified
here.Creating a desktop shortcut to directly open a form or function
You can create a shortcut to open the form you require from your desktop:
- Copy the SunSystems shortcut on your desktop. You must keep the original shortcut to retain access to SunSystems.
- Right-click one of your SunSystems shortcuts and select properties. A Windows Properties dialog opens.
- Specify the Target field by appending
the extra parameters required for a form to open directly when you start
SunSystems. Specify:
"<SunSystems installation path>\<SunSystems application executable>.exe" /Code DDD
where DDD is the function shortcut. For example, ADD is the shortcut for the Addresses function.
For example, specify the Addresses form to open:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Infor\SunSystems\SunSystems.exe" /Code ADD
- Click to update the icon. Click the browse button to select an alternative from the icons listed.
- Click to save your changes.
- Clear your operator in Security before logging back into SunSystems. Operator login details are retained after accessing a form directly and must be cleared before using SunSystems.