SunSystems Designer Edition MT

SunSystems Designer Edition has been improved to focus on its usability for consulting services and partners implementing SunSystems Cloud.

Deployment web

SunSystems Designer Edition includes the Deployment website to support multiple implementations.

The Deployment web allows you to create additional tenants. You can create, amend and delete each of these tenants. Also, you can create databases and add them to any tenant.

For more information, see Deployment.

Transfer Desk (TRD) and Storage (STO) in SunSystems Designer Edition

Set up and test your Transfer Desk profiles for use in the SunSystems Cloud. Also, use Transfer Desk to transfer data in and out of SunSystems Designer Edition.

For more information, see Transfer Desk (TRD) and Storage (STO).

Note: SunSystems Designer Edition must be updated in line with SunSystems MT monthly update schedule. Not updated SunSystems Designer Edition expires after three months.