Installing Designer Edition

You can create a default landlord and tenant database or update and merge SunSystems 6.4 data before installing SunSystems Designer Edition.

  • If the installer does not load, open Task Manager. If the process mshta.exe is running, close it.
  1. Execute setup.hta to run the SunSystems installer.
  2. Click Install SunSystems Software.
  3. Select one of the setup types:
    • Select Complete to install all program features.
    • Select Express to run a full stand-alone install, using predefined default settings. As part of this install option, you can update SQLExpress.xml with the locations of JDK, Apache Tomcat, and other non-default settings.
      Note: The Express installation is only supported when creating new databases as part of the installation.
  4. Select the Installation Folder location.
  5. Create or select a schema.
  6. Enter Tenant Code and Tenant Name.
  7. Select the database server from the drop-down list or click Browse to see a list of all available database servers.
  8. Specify a password for the Landlord and Admin user.
  9. Specify the SunSystems Java information:
    JDK Location
    Browse to the location of your Java JDK installation. For example, C:\SunSystemsPlatform\jdk-23.0.1\
    Apache Tomcat Location
    Browse to the location of your Tomcat installation, for example, C:\SunSystemsPlatform\apache-tomcat-10.1.x\
    Apache Active MQ Location
    Browse to the location of your Active MQ installation, for example, C:\SunSystemsPlatform\apache-activemq-5.17.6
  10. Specify the SunSystems Reporting Account:
    Specify your server
    User name
    Specify SunSystemsReporting or your equivalent.
    Specify the password you entered when you created this user. The default is Infortemp01.
  11. Select the Report Server instance, ports and specify SQL Login credentials.
  12. Select the SRS Authentication Type:
    Basic (Default)
    Select to use built-in account.
    Select to use another account.
  13. Click Install.
    The installation has been completed.