Default settings - Controls tab

Note: This tab page is only accessible if you have opened Form Permissions Editor from Form Designer.
  1. Specify this information:
    Allows you to change height and width of the default button in pixels. This setting is used when the buttons are added to a form by clicking once in the Form window rather than dragging.
    Grid Columns
    Allows you to change the default grid column width in pixels.
    Text Sizes
    Allows you to increase the textual elements of controls by a percentage. This is a useful feature for those forms that may later appear in other languages, such as German where text strings may need to become much longer. The default is 30%.
    Caption Prompt
    The Caption Prompt settings allow you to specify which control types should have an automatic prompt for a caption. This setting is beneficial to you because no default text exists for certain controls. This applies to:
    • FieldSets
    • Tab pages
    • Labels
    • Function command buttons.
  2. Save your changes.