Control - Function button

This topic describes the associated properties of the Function button control.


This property indicates the type of caption associated with a control. The caption types are:

  • System Text
  • Language Specific Text
  • Data Dictionary Text.

X Position

This property specifies the x co-ordinate of the control relative to its parent and is specified in pixels.

Y Position

This property specifies the y co-ordinate of the control relative to its parent and is specified in pixels.


This is the width of the control, specified in pixels.

In Session

Set this property to False if you want the function button on your form to open the new function concurrently. Setting the property to True closes the original function and opens the new one.

Function ID

This property is associated with a function button only. The Function ID property displays the name of the function ID that has been specified in the Specify Function Button Details dialog.

Form Name

This property is associated with a function button only. The Form Name property displays the name of the form that has been specified in the Specify Function Button Details dialog.

Business Unit

This is the name of the Business Unit to be returned by the function buttons. This property displays the name of the Business Unit that has been specified in the Specify Function Button Details dialog.


This property refers to a function command button only. When you place a function command button on the form window, you are presented with the Specify Function Button Details dialog. Using this dialog you can insert the code of the ledger associated with the function. You can also enter or change the specified ledger by using this property.

Optional Parameters

This property contains optional parameters to be passed to function buttons. The optional parameters can also be set in the Specify Function Button Details dialog.