Data Item controls

The Data Item controls include the following:
  • Edit boxes
  • Combo boxes
  • Check boxes
  • List boxes
  • Radio buttons
  • Labels

All of these controls can be created or amended.

Adding Data Items to a form

Click on an item in the Data Item List and drag it onto the form. This produces a label and a control for the chosen data item. By default labels and controls are left aligned. It is important to keep this format consistent throughout your forms, particularly if you are creating multilingual forms.

You can change the default control type of non-entry fields only, from the Edit menu by selecting Change Control Type.

Note: You can drag more than one data item onto your form. Hold the Ctrl key down to select numerous data items. Release the Ctrl key and the data items can now be collectively dragged onto your form. If you continue to hold the Ctrl key down whilst dragging the data items onto the form, the labels for the controls are removed. Alternatively, use the Shift key to select a group of neighboring controls.

Data Item indicators

Within the Data Item List:

  • If the data item appears in the list without an indicator, it is a non-entry data item.
  • A check box against a data item determines that it is an entry data item.

After adding data items to a form:

  • A single black bar against each entry or non-entry data item, shows that the data item has been added only once on the current form.
  • If the same data item has been added more than once, a double blue bar is displayed.
  • Mandatory data items are indicated with a red bullet.

If you delete controls from the Form window, the indicators revert back to their previous status.