Live window

This view displays real-time integration events. When an integration process finishes, the activity record is moved from the Live window to the History window.

To open the Live window, select INA from the main SunSystems menu and click the Live tab.

This information is displayed:

Integration ID
Identifies the specific integration process and has a different format according to the type of integration.
Source Type
Select one or more options from: SOAP, BOD, Profile, Multi-source Profile, Automation, and Gateway.
Start time
The time that the processing started.
Elapsed time
The time elapsed since processing began.
The processing stage. For example, when the processing has just started, the value displayed is Initialising.
The number of records that are successfully processed by the integration. This value is 0 if the Status is either Complete With Errors or Failed.
This is a binary value: 0 if all records are successfully processed, or 1 if one or more records failed during the integration.
The source component of a profile.
The target component of a profile
the operator ID of the user running the integration
The component method, for example, Create or Amend or Query.