Creating export profiles
When creating an export profile, consider the format of the data to be exported and where to place the data.
Use Export Profile Designer to create a new export profile as follows:
Select TRD from the
main SunSystems window to open Transfer Desk.
The form to create a new profile opens automatically.
- Select Export as the profile type.
- Specify a unique profile name. This name is used to identify the profile from Transfer Desk.
- Specify a description for the export profile.
- Select a source component for the export profile. The associated method, target data format and transformation are displayed.
If required, you can change the target data format or
transformation displayed. Select a different Target Data Format or Transformation from the available options.
Where the source and target are the same SunSystems data format, a default system transformation is provided for you. You must create a transformation if the source and target formats are not compatible.
Specify file export parameters:
- File name
- Specify a file name and directory in the cloud storage to save the exported data.
- File encoding
- Specify the file encoding.
- Generate unique file name
- If Yes, the output file name is based on the file name entered (either in the profile or at run-time), but is uniquely identified (for example, by appending user name and creation date/time).
- This allows the same profile, using the same file name, to be run by multiple users outputting to a shared directory, without overwriting each other's data.
- Overwrite file of same name
- If Yes, a message is displayed to warn you that the data for this profile will be overwritten.
- Append to file of same name
- If Yes, a message is displayed to warn you that the data will be appended to the existing profile. The append and overwrite options are mutually exclusive.
- Save payload
- Specify what happens to the file, after the import is complete.
- If you select Rename after processing, then you must specify the new filename.
- If you select Move after procoessing, then you must specify the new directory.
- Click Save to save your changes.