Internal transfer profiles

An internal transfer profile defines:

  • export source selected from valid export data type list
  • export method
  • export source runtime options, including filtering and data summary
  • import target selected from valid import data type list
  • import method
  • import runtime options, dependent upon the target selected
  • any transformations attached to the transfer.

An internal transfer profile allows you to transfer data from one part of a SunSystems database to another part of the same database. This type of profile exports data and then re-imports it in one process.

During the process, the requested data is exported by Transfer Desk, manipulated as specified, and then imported into another part of the database. Run-time options are applied to both the export and import process.

Note: The same result can be achieved by chaining two separate profiles together; one export and one import.

The transfer profile runtime values are used to select, sort and summarize the required data, and to output it to the required file.

If a parameter is enabled for override at runtime, you can change it when you run the profile, before the export starts. Such amended values are used during the export process, but are not saved back to the profile unless you change them using Edit.

The data is transferred within the SunSystems database, using the runtime values and transformations supplied or attached to the profile. Transformations enable the values in the data to be manipulated during the transfer process.

Note: You can use range control when specifying an internal transfer profile, but the functionality is different to using range control in ledger export profiles. If an import from an internal transfer profile contains rejected journals, then Journal Number From is not updated.