Transfer Desk toolbar

The toolbar in Transfer Desk contains these options:

Note: Hover the cursor over a button on the toolbar to display its description.
Select a profile or automation and click this button to run it.
Click this button to create a profile or automation.
This button is available after you have selected an existing profile or automation.
Save any changes you have made.
Any changes you have made will not be saved.
Create a new profile based on the selected profile and add it to the list of available profiles.
Delete a profile or automation.
Select a Transfer Desk function:
Transformation Designer
Use this function to create transformation rules.
Format Designer
Use this function to define the format of external data to be used by Transfer Desk.
Lookup Table Designer
Use this function to define a list of transformed output values that are dependent on a range of source data.
Configuration Import
Import Transfer Desk settings that were saved previously.
Configuration Export
Export configurations provides a backup of Transfer Desk settings.
Configuration Cleardown
Clear saved Transfer Desk settings.
Open the Payloads function to view basic payload construction for each component.