A payload is the essential data carried within a transmission unit
that is delivered to the end user at the destination. Payload definitions are viewed from
Transfer Desk.
The payload does not include the 'overhead' data required to get the data to
its destination. It is made up of fields which may be grouped under Nodes.
Every component method has an input and an output payload defined. These are
the definitions of all fields required to support that method. They differ according to the
actions carried out. For example, a query input payload includes field definitions to allow
filtering of data. Whereas the output payload returned does not include filtering fields. A
create input payload includes definitions of data to be imported; the output payload
includes definitions of any errors returned by the import process.
The payload definitions provided include all possible data fields and child
records for each component.
Payloads are defined in XML and referred to as SSML format (SunSystems
XML). Date and numeric fields use international XML standards. The standard
for date format is ddmmyyyy, the standard for numeric format uses a fullstop
(.) as a decimal separator and no thousands separator.
Values containing multiple spaces entered as node values when creating
an output payload are truncated to a single space in some browsers. Therefore,
although the input payload displays ' XYZ' for example, an error message
is displayed as the output payload value may exceed the maximum character
length of 15 characters.