
You can use the ComponentExecutor web service to access the SSC components and to send payloads for execution by specific component methods. BusinessUnitGroups, Components, Methods, Execute, InputSchema and OutputSchema methods are supported by the web service.

When using SOAP protocol testing tools, you must ensure that any manually constructed SOAP envelopes escape the SSC Payload data. This must be either by XML escaping or by CDATA blocks, as in this example:

Note: The URL http://<servername>/sunsystems-connect/soap/ComponentExecutor must be transmitted to the SSC SOAP API.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:web="">

You can use developer tools to generate a programming language-specific binding against the URL http://<servername>/sunsystems-connect/wsdl/ComponentExecutor.


The BusinessUnitGroups method is used to obtain a list of the available business unit groups from the SSC server. It returns the list in a string array.

string[] BusinessUnitGroups(
    string authentication,            //an authentication voucher
    string licensing                  //a licensing voucher - can be null


The Components method is used to obtain a list of available components from the SSC server. It returns the list in a string array.

string[] Components(
    string authentication,            //an authentication voucher
    string licensing                  //a licensing voucher - can be null


The Methods method is used to obtain a list of methods available on a specific component. It returns the list in a string array.

string[] Methods(
    string authentication,            //an authentication voucher
    string licensing,                 //a licensing voucher - can be null
    string component                  //a component name


The Execute method is used to send a payload to the SSC server for execution. The response payload is returned from the method in a string. Although this method takes, and returns, a string, it is configured internally to stream the data associated with this method. This means that it starts executing the payload before it has received all of it. This allows it to cope with very large payloads.

string Execute(
    string authentication,            //an authentication voucher
    string licensing,                 //a licensing voucher - can be null
    string component,                 //a component name
    string method,                    //a method name
    string group,                     //a business unit group name can be null
    string payload                    //the compound payload


The InputSchema method is used to obtain the input payload schema for a component method. The payload schemas are business unit group specific so this method takes an optional business unit group name as a parameter. If the business unit group name parameter is null then the method attempts to use the default business unit group for the user identified by the authentication voucher

string InputSchema(
    string authentication,            //an authentication voucher
    string licensing,                 //a licensing voucher - can be null
    string component,                 //a component name
    string method,                    //a method name
    string group                      //a business unit group name can be null


The OutputSchema method is used to obtain the output payload schema for a component method. The payload schemas are business unit group specific so this method takes an optional business unit group name as a parameter. If the business unit group name parameter is null then the method attempts to use the default business unit group for the user identified by the authentication voucher.

string OutputSchema(
    string authentication,            //an authentication voucher
    string licensing,                 //a licensing voucher - can be null
    string component,                 //a component name
    string method,                    //a method name
    string group                      //a business unit group name can be null