This component allows you set up and maintain purchase invoices and runs
the Purchase Invoice Entry (PIE) function.
This component also provides various methods that allow you to progress purchase invoices
through certain stages.
To improve performance, ensure that line numbers are in numerical order, as disordered line
numbers will impact performance. If both the User Line Number
) and the System Line
Number (PurchaseInvoice.PurchaseInvoiceLine.PurchaseInvoiceLineNumber
) are
provided, then User Line Number is used. This applies to all methods except GenerateAndMatch
and Query.
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Web portal, hyperlinks are not enabled.
- ConfirmLineInvoice
- Driver Type: SASI
- Use this method to confirm one or more purchase invoice lines. If no line numbers are
specified in the payload, the entire invoice, including all lines, is confirmed.
is mandatory. If the
section is included in the payload, it must
contain UserLineNumber
or PurchaseInvoiceLineNumber
If both are provided, UserLineNumber
is used.
- CreateOrAmend
- Driver Type: SASI
Use this method to create or amend one or more purchase invoices. A purchase invoice
is created if it does not exist and amends it if it does.
Note: If amending a purchase
invoice, PurchaseInvoiceReference
must be provided. If
is specified in the payload, but there is
no existing invoice with this reference, then a new invoice is created. However, the
new invoice may have a different transaction reference, depending on the transaction
type used, i.e. if the associated transaction reference format does not contain any
items for a user to specify, then the purchase invoice reference will be system
generated, and the existing payload values are not used.
- CreateOrAmendAndConfirm
- Driver Type: SASI
- Use this method to create or amend, and confirm, one or more purchase invoices. A
purchase invoice is created if it does not exist and amended it if it does. It then
confirms the invoice.
Note: If amending a purchase
invoice, PurchaseInvoiceReference
must be provided. If
is specified in the payload, but there is
no existing invoice with this reference, then a new invoice is created. However, the
new invoice may have a different transaction reference, depending on the transaction
type used, i.e. if the associated transaction reference format does not contain any
items for a user to specify, then the purchase invoice reference will be system
generated, and the existing payload values are not used.
- DeleteLineInvoice
- Driver Type: SASI
- Use this method to delete one or more purchase invoice lines. If no line numbers are
specified in the payload, the entire invoice including all lines is deleted.
is mandatory. If the
section is included in the payload, it must
contain UserLineNumber
or PurchaseInvoiceLineNumber
If both are provided, UserLineNumber
is used.
- DeleteLines
- Driver Type: SASI
- Use this method to delete specific lines from a purchase invoice.
is mandatory and either
or PurchaseInvoiceLineNumber
must be
specified. If both are provided, UserLineNumber
is used.
- DeleteWholeInvoice
- Driver Type: SASI
- Use this method to delete a purchase invoice and all lines.
is mandatory.
- HoldLineInvoice
- Driver Type: SASI
- Use this method to hold one or more purchase invoice lines. If no line numbers are
specified in the payload, the entire invoice including all lines is held.
is mandatory. If the
section is included in the payload, it must
contain UserLineNumber
or PurchaseInvoiceLineNumber
If both are provided, UserLineNumber
is used.
- Query
- Driver Type: Export
- Use this method to obtain purchase invoice details or to extract purchase invoice data
from SunSystems.
- ReleaseLineInvoice
- Driver Type: SASI
- Use this method to release one or more purchase invoice lines. If no line numbers are
specified in the payload, the entire invoice including all lines is released.
- PurchaseInvoiceReference is mandatory. If the
PurchaseInvoiceLine section is included in the payload, it must
contain UserLineNumber or
PurchaseInvoiceLineNumber. If both are provided,
UserLineNumber is used.
- GenerateAndMatch
- Driver Type: SASI
- Use this method to generate purchase invoices per suppliers. It then matches invoices
back to purchase orders.
- If you want to create a purchase invoice for one purchase order, you need to set
POReferenceFrom and POReferenceTo to the order
reference. If the From/To values are not supplied, it will be interpreted as the
first/last order reference satisfying the other selection criteria. This might cause
failures if the order range goes across different supplier codes.
- An order range can be specified, in which case all of the orders in the range go to
one purchase invoice. This order range must be for the same supplier code.
- One payload can contain orders for multiple suppliers. The selection criteria for each
supplier must be within a new <Input> node.
- The following example shows a simple version of this part of the
Note: The match action happens at
the order level; not line level.
Mandatory fields
- General
- As purchase invoices can be tailored to suit customer needs, there are no fields that
are always mandatory. As a guide though, you will probably find that the following may
need to be supplied:
- Purchase Transaction Type - payload element
- Purchase Invoice Reference - payload element
- Either User Line Number - payload element
Purchase Invoice Line Number - payload element
- Supplier Code - payload element
- Item Code - payload element
- See individual methods for specific field requirements.
is never mandatory, but depending on the
method, you will need either UserLineNumber
- Standard Text
- When creating or attaching Standard Text associated with a Purchase Invoice, values
for the following must be supplied:
- Purchase Invoice Reference - payload element <StdTextPi_PiTxnRef>
- Standard Text Class Code - payload element <StdTextPi_StdTextClassCode>
- Standard Text Code - payload element <StdTextPi_StdTextCode>.
- When creating or attaching Standard Text associated with a Purchase Invoice Line,
values for the following must be specified:
- Purchase Invoice Reference - payload element
- Purchase Invoice Line Number - payload element
- Standard Text Class Code - payload element
- Standard Text Code - payload element
Note: At runtime the component validates the payload contents to ensure that the values
supplied are correct. Various combinations of values may require other elements in the
payload to be specified before the payload can be processed successfully.
Related data
- Stage
- Item Characteristics
- Analysis Quantity 1-10
- Approval Stamp
- Consumed Budget
- Value Labels 1-50
- Purchase Invoice Standard Text
- Purchase Invoice Line Standard Text.