Miscellaneous Permissions Setup - Sales

If you wish to restrict the entry period or date on sales transactions for the user group you can use the following fields to define specific ranges of periods and dates. Transactions can then only be entered within these ranges. These are referred to as the Open Ranges.

Leave these fields blank if you do not wish to set these restrictions.

Note: The following fields override those that are preset in Sales Business Setup (SBS).
  1. Specify this information:
    Open Period From
    The first period in the range.
    Open Period To
    The last period in the range.
    Open Date From
    The first date in the range. For example, 01/01/1980.
    Open Date To
    The last date in the range. For example, 31/12/2021.

    Instead of defining these specific dates or periods which then have to be maintained, you can ask the system to calculate the Open Ranges relative to the current date or period. To do this enter a positive or negative number in the following fields. For example, if the Open Period From - Relative field is set to -3 and the Open Period To - Relative field is set to +3, the Open Range is calculated as starting three periods before the current period and three periods after the current period.

    Open Period From - Relative
    Used to calculate the first period in the range.
    Open Period To - Relative
    Used to calculate the last period in the range.
    Open Date From - Relative
    Used to calculate the first date in the range.
    Open Date To - Relative
    Used to calculate the last date in the range.
    Credit Limit
    This indicates if the users in this user group can have overrides applied when Credit Limit Checking is performed. If the credit limit Override is selected, you must complete the following fields to specify the tolerances to be applied:
    Credit Limit - Value Tolerance
    The permitted value tolerance applied by the system when checking the credit limit. This amount is added to the customer's credit limit when credit checking is performed in sales order processing. This applies only to the selected user group.
    Credit Limit - Percentage Tolerance
    The permitted percentage tolerance applied by the system when checking the credit limit. This percentage is applied to the customer's credit limit, and added to the limit when credit checking is performed in sales order processing. This applies only to the selected user group.
    Overdue Invoice Limit
    This indicates if the users in this user group can have overrides applied when Overdue Invoice Checking is performed. If you select Override you must specify:
    Overdue Invoice Limit - Value Tolerance
    The permitted value tolerance applied by the system when performing Overdue Invoice Checking. This amount is added to the customer's overdue invoice limit when overdue invoice checking is performed in sales order processing. This applies only to the selected user group.
    Manual Allocations Of The Issue
    Select Allow if you want this user group to be able to use manual allocations against actualized issues, that is, items that have already been marked as issued. For example, if the wrong item was picked or it was damaged whilst being loaded.
    Sales Whole Processing
    Select Override if you want members of this user group to be able to override whole processing of sales orders, sales kits or sales lines.
  2. Save your changes.