Preferred locale

Preferred locale allows you to set the locale used to format numbers and dates within SunSystems Reporting Services ( SRS) where no user preferred locale is applicable.

Note: If you have already changed the locale setting using the Infor OS Portal User Menu, you still need to change the locale setting using the Report Manager (RMA) Preferences for the changes to take effect.
  1. To set the preferred locale, select the option from the Preferences menu from the toolbar. The Preferred Locale dialog is displayed.
  2. Specify this information:
    User Name
    The name of the user which identifies the operator. This is the name used to log on.
    Full Name
    The user's full name.
    Preferred Language
    The preferred language of the user set in Security Console.
    Preferred Locale
    The preferred locale to format numbers and dates required. Select the required locale from the drop down list.
    Calendar Type
    The type of calendar settings specified, for example Gregorian.
    Numeral Variant
    The current number format set up, for example European.
  3. After the preferred locale has been set, the report folders and report details are updated to reflect the chosen locale once Report Manager is re-entered.