Setting up Purchase Requisition Entry - Header

  1. Specify this information in the header section:
    Purchase Requisition Txn Ref
    The transaction reference for the purchase requisition.
    These options are available:
    • New- The requisition line has just been created
    • Open - The requisition has been submitted and is awaiting approval or the creation of a purchase order
    • Deleted - The requisition has been deleted
    • Completed - The requisition has been cancelled or a purchase order has been created, thus completing the requisition process.
    Requisition Type
    The Requisition Type to be applied to the requisition.
    Requisition Date
    The date the requisition was raised.
    Requisition Raised By
    The user who raised the requisition.
    Requested for Employee Code
    This defaults to the employee code of the current user, but can be amended to the employee for whom the item is requested, if this is different.
    Approval Option
    This is only relevant if Approvals are in use. This field is editable only if Optional approval has been specified on the Requisition Type.
    These options are available:
    • Approve requisition as a whole document
    • Approve on individual lines
    • N/A.
    Any additional comments required.
    Delivery Note
    Any additional comments required for the delivery note.
  2. Click OK to save your changes.