Setting up Sales Order Entry - Picking and Dispatch

  1. Specify this information in the Picking and Dispatch section:
    The supplier who is delivering the order.
    Delivery Address Code
    The address where the items are to be delivered to. This may differ from the invoice address.
    Picking Status

    The stage in the picking process the sales order line has reached if required by the sales type. This is automatically entered by the system.

    Options are:

    • Not Picked
    • Available for Picking
    • Part Picked
    • Fully Picked
    • N/A
    Dispatch Status

    The stage in the dispatch process the sales order line has reached if required by the sales type. This is automatically entered by the system.

    Options are:

    • Not Dispatched
    • Available for Dispatching
    • Part Dispatched
    • Fully Dispatched
    • N/A
  2. Save your changes.