Ledger Balance Management (LBM)
You can use Ledger Balance Management (LBM) to refresh or reconstruct the ledger
balances that you have configured using Ledger Balance Configuration (LBC), and to
republish them if your system is set up to do so.
Ledger Balance Management (LBM) allows you to refresh or reconstruct balances for multiple business units in one batch.
You can also set up Transfer Desk to automate the balance refresh and publication.
If you are publishing balance data to a downstream system via ION, the business object document (BOD) used to publish the data on ION is the SSGLMovement BOD.
Note: If you are publishing balance data to a downstream system such as
Reporting, you must first clear the relevant records in the downstream database
before you reconstruct the balances in
You do not need to do this if you are refreshing balances.