Reporting on Assets
A number of standard reports are available in the fixed asset register. The first three listed below are user-definable report formats, although layouts, which you can use or adapt, are supplied. You can use Report Designer to design your own reports.
Asset Register Report
Asset Register Report lists information from the asset record. It shows the gross value, depreciation, and net book for selected assets.
Asset Notes Report
Asset Notes Report lists the notes that are held of an asset.
Asset Status Report
Asset Status Report is an exception report, which highlights inconsistencies in the asset register. Assets can be included, for example, if the end depreciation period has been reached and the asset has not been fully depreciated. Assets that have been selected for disposal can also be included.
User Defined Reports
Where you want to report specific asset information, you should use the report writers Financial Analysis, Financial Tables and Financial Statements, using asset code or asset indicator, or both, as a selection criterion within the report.