What are Payment Documents?
Payment documents refer to any printed output required to support a payment produced by Payment Run (PYR) or collected by Payment Collection Run (PYC). This typically includes cheques and remittance advice but can also include any other type of printed payment schedule or output required.
Payment documents are defined using Report Designer in SunSystems Reporting Services. A document format is required to link the report executable to the appropriate payment run or payment collection run.
You can produce different types of payment document, for different types of payments. For example, you might want to produce remittance advice in the appropriate language, and only produce combined cheque/remittance advice for payments made in the base currency.
You use Payment Documents (PYD) to request the production of the payment documents for a particular payment run or payment collection run. You can choose to only print the documents for a range of accounts, a particular currency, a payment method or an account holder. For example, you may need to change the stationery for different currencies or accounts.
The documents themselves are printed using the standard SunSystems report printing facility. This allows you to print test documents, print the documents as draft or final output, and reprint the documents.
Printing Documents in Another Currency
You can create remittance formats that include foreign currency amounts and currency codes.
The Currency Code field is displayed only if the Currency for Payments field is set to Transaction Currency in Ledger Setup (LES). In other words, this field only appears if you are generating payments by currency.