Splitting a Transaction into Several Multi Currency Transactions
If you select the MULTI version of the multipart split form, use the following steps to split a transaction.
- The original amount of the transaction is displayed in the Original Amount fields, in each of the currencies in use in the business unit.
Enter the split transaction value in any of the currencies
available to be entered on a transaction and select the appropriate Debit or
Credit indicator for the transaction. The split transaction values in the
remaining currencies are calculated automatically.
You can enter the split value in any of the currencies in use within your business unit. However, you should use the currency in which you are matching the transactions. The current period currency rate is used to convert this amount into the other currencies available. Any difference between the original currency values and the recalculated currency values is posted as currency exchange gain or loss.
- 3. In the Description field, enter a description for this split transaction or any other useful information, if required.
4. Click OK to
create the split transaction which appears in the list at the bottom of the
The amount that remains to be split appears in Outstanding fields.
- Repeat steps 3 and 4 to enter each split transaction.
- 5. If you enter a split value incorrectly, click on the transaction in the list. The transaction details reappear in the transaction entry part of the form where you can alter them. If you want to reset all of the transaction values to zero, select Reset.
- Click OK to update the transaction details in the list.