Consolidating Data in a Financial Analysis report
Financial Analysis reports can draw together data from more than one business unit.
If you use this facility, it is important to remember:
- The analysis dimensions and codes must be structured in the same way on the subsidiary ledgers, for the consolidated report to make sense.
- In a multi-currency environment, each business unit may use different base and second base/reporting currencies and you need to account for this in the consolidated report.
- If you are consolidating business units with different base currencies, the currency period rates on the current, consolidating business unit are checked for an applicable conversion rate.
If you select the Consolidate option on the Financial Analysis Layouts form, you are prompted at run-time for a list of business unit codes to be included. Any codes entered on a previous run are remembered and redisplayed.
You must include the current business unit, if its data is required in the consolidated report.
The consolidation is achieved by applying the selection criteria specified in Financial Analysis Layouts to each of the business units, and combining the results. This assumes that the account codes, analysis codes, periods and transaction value definitions have the same meaning in each ledger. If they have different meanings, the results will be incorrect.
When printing or storing the report, SunSystems looks for the names of accounts and analysis codes in the current business unit, i.e. the consolidating business unit. It does not look in each of the subsidiary ledgers. If account or analysis codes are not found in the consolidated ledger, the amounts are shown, but the names are printed as NOT FOUND.