Sorting a Financial Analysis report
A Financial Analysis report can contain three sort levels. These sort levels control the sequence, or order, in which the report is produced and, consequently, the stages at which totals are shown.
The sort levels are hierarchical, level one is the highest level, level two appears within this, and level three is shown within level two. So, you should use level three before using level two.
It is important to define logical sort sequences, so that the information is presented in a useful format.
If you are using currency code as a sort level, this would normally be level one, the highest level.
You can use any of the selection codes chosen on the report as sort levels.
If no selection criteria are defined for the report, you are prompted to enter the sort levels when you run the report.
The default report format for financial analysis is to show totals for each of the sort levels chosen, without detail. However, you can choose to show the individual transactions which make up a total.