What is the Bank Transfer File?
The Bank Transfer file contains the details of each payment produced by a particular Payment Run (PYR) or Payment Collections Run (PYC). These are the details required if you make or receive payments using an automated clearing system, for example BACS in the UK. You can use the bank transfer file produced as input to another application or software package which formats the transactions for the automated clearing system.
To generate the bank transfer file, you must use the payment method of Bank in Payment Run (PYR) or Payment Collection Run (PYC). A bank transfer file is only created in the payment run when you choose to post transactions.
Note: You can use the SunSystems reporting facilities to output a text file that contains the
payment details. For example, a cheque file is produced if you select the APD4 document
format in Payment Documents (PYD). The default settings for the text output from APD4
assume that Post Single Transaction to
Payment Account is set to Mandatory within Payment Profiles (PYP) and this
is required for accurate content.