What is the Payment File?
The Payment file contains details of each payment that has been generated by a Payment Run (PYR) or a Payment Collection Run (PYC). This file is used as the basis for producing the payment listings and payment documents, for example cheques and remittance advices for a payment run, or statements for a collection run.
The payment file is only produced if the Post Transactions option is set to Yes in Payment Run (PYR) or Payment Collection Run (PYC).
Payment File Names
The payment file name contains a code that identifies the file within the business unit. This single character code can be A to Z or 0 to 9. It allows you to maintain a number of different payment files for a single business unit.
The payment file name is constructed as follows:
- SADn-ddd for debits
- SAPn-ddd for payments,
where n represents the payment/debit file indicator entered on the payment profile, and ddd is the business unit code.
Each payment file is overwritten only when Payment Run (PYR) or Payment Collection Run (PYC) is subsequently run for the same payment profile, using the same file identifier.