Setting up payments and payment collections
Payment Profiles
Payment Profiles (PYP)
Printing the Payment Profiles
Printing the Payment Profiles
The Payment Rules Report lists the payment profile definitions.
Side TOC
Side TOC
Setting up payments and payment collections
Introducing Payment Run
Introducing the Payment Collection Process
Setting the Customer and Supplier Payment Details
Multi-Currency Payments and Collections
Payment Profiles
What are the Payment Run Time Selection Criteria?
How is the Payment Method Used
Selecting Transactions for Payment by Currency
Payment Profiles (PYP)
Setting up Payment Profiles
Setting up Payment Profiles (PYP) - General
Setting up Payment Profiles (PYP) - Payments
Setting up Payment Profiles (PYP) - Options
Setting up Payment Profiles (PYP) - Currency Thresholds
Setting up Payment Profiles (PYP) - Additional Currencies
Setting up Payment Profiles (PYP) - Currency Rules
Printing the Payment Profiles
Understanding the payment run in more detail
Understanding the payment collection run in more detail
What is the Bank Transfer File?