Transaction currency preset details

  1. Specify this information on the Currency tab:
    Currency Code

    The default currency code to be used on this line, as defined in Currency Codes (CNC). This is used as the default Transaction Currency (Value 2).

    Enter '-' hyphen to preset a blank currency code, to restrict this line to base amounts only. This is only available if the posting rule for the value is set to Only Present if Entered.

    Rate from Pivot

    The conversion rate you want to use for this line. This is the rate required to convert from the pivot currency into the transaction currency. This is not required if the Transaction currency is the pivot. If you want to look up the appropriate rate for the currency code entered in the Currency field during entry, leave this blank.

    Transaction Amount

    The preset transaction amount for the line, expressed in the Currency Code identified above. This can be entered with zero, one, two or three decimal places depending on the currency definition.

    The Debit/Credit marker includes options that preset the amount to the value needed to balance the current journal, transaction or period.

    You can also enter:

    • a percentage. For example, 5%. The amount is calculated as this percentage of the amount entered on the base line referenced.
    • a ratio. For example, 5R or 6.3R. This works in a similar way to the percentage amount, but only one base line may be referred to for each journal type.
    Note: The posting of budgets can be automated, using the percentage or ratio options.

    The preset debit/credit marker for the journal line. This applies to all of the currency values.

    The following special options are also available to preset the debit/credit marker:

    • Reverse of Base Line - to reverse the marker of the indicated base line
    • Same as Base Line - to copy the marker from the base line.

    The following out-of-balance options are also available which automatically calculate the appropriate balancing amount and insert this in the Amount field:

    • Journal Balance - to calculate the out-of-balance amount for the journal
    • Transaction Balance - to calculate out-of-balance amount for the transaction, that is, for the journal lines that have the same transaction reference as the current line
    • Period Balance - to calculate the out-of-balance amount for the period, that is, for the journal lines that have the same period as the current line
    • Txn Balance plus Unposted - to calculate the transaction out-of-balance amount plus the net out-of-balance amount of all calculation lines.
  2. Save your changes.