Setting up Journal Presets (JNP) - Presets

  1. Click the Presets tab in the Journal Presets (JNP) dialog.
  2. Specify this information:
    Base Line Number

    The number of the line on which calculations are based and from which defaults are taken for this line. This line number cannot be higher than the Line Number entered above.

    Line Prompt

    This text is displayed in Ledger Entry (LEN) to prompt the operator to enter the required information whenever a transaction with this line number is about to be created. For example, 'Enter the Creditor or Client account here'.

    Accounting Period

    This presets the accounting period on the journal line to an absolute value (period format) or a relative value. The following special values can be used:

    • C to preset the period to the current period
    • C+nnn or C-nnn to preset the period to nnn periods after or before the current period
    • +nnn or -nnn to preset the period to nnn periods after or before the period on the base line.
    Transaction Date

    This presets the transaction date on the journal line to an absolute value (date format) or a relative value. The following special values can be used:

    • T to preset today's date
    • T+nnn or T-nnn to preset the date to nnn days after or before today's date
    • +nnn or -nnn to preset the date to nnn days after or before the transaction date on the base line
    • A suffix of M-Months to add or subtract months
    • A suffix of N-Net to add and subtract months and adjust to the last day of the month.
    Due Date

    This presets the due date on the journal line to an absolute value (date format) or a relative value. The following special values can be used:

    • T to preset today's date
    • T+nnn or T-nnn to preset the due date to nnn days after or before today's date
    • TD+nnn or TD-nnn to preset the due date to nnn days after or before the transaction date
    • +nnn or -nnn to preset the due date to nnn days after or before the due date on the base line
    • A suffix of M-Months to add or subtract months
    • A suffix of N-Net to add and subtract months and adjust to the last day of the month.

    If a description per line is required for this journal type, you can preset the description automatically using any of the following codes:

    • @nnn (where nnn is a number 1-999) to copy the account name associated with the account code on line nnn
    • @nnnA to copy the account code on line nnn.

    For example, you might want to copy the customer account name or code into the description on the bank posting line of a cash receipts journal.

    The number (nnn) must be lower than the preset line you are creating.

    Note: If you use any letter other than A as the fifth digit of the description preset, (for example @nnnB), the letter is ignored and the account name is copied from line nnn by default.
    Allocation Marker

    This option is used to automatically set an allocation marker on ledger transactions when they are posted with this journal preset. Select No Allocation to leave the allocation marker blank if predefined allocations are not required. The following allocation options are available:

    • Default - select this to use the corresponding Allocation Marker option set on the journal type, for this preset line.
    • Allocation Markers 0 to 9 - select one of these to automatically set it as the allocation marker on the journal line for this preset, if posted to a creditor, debtor or client account. If this line is entered to another account type, such as profit and loss, it is posted with no allocation marker. This is because allocation markers 0 to 9 are used as part of creditor or debtor management, and are not required in other account types.
    • Force - if the journal line for this preset line is posted to a creditor, debtor, or client account, the journal line is assigned the Force allocation marker to identify it as requiring a forced payment or collection. If this line is entered to another account type, such as profit and loss, it is posted with no allocation marker. This is because the Force allocation marker is only used as part of the payment or collection process in creditors, debtors and clients.
    • Withhold - if the journal line for this preset line is posted to any account type, the journal line is assigned the Withhold allocation marker to identify it as being withheld from the Payment Run and Payment Collection Run.
    • Reconciled - select this option to automatically set the allocation marker to Reconciled on the transaction line for this preset line when the journal is posted.
    Account Code

    This presets the account code for the journal line and thus determines the account to which the amount entered on this line is posted. You can use '*' asterisks as a mask to preset a range of valid account codes for this line.

    To preset a linked account, enter @nnn, where nnn is the number of the preset line on which the first account (the account from which the link comes) appears. For example, you may have linked a telephone expense account to a telephone company creditor account. If the creditor account is entered on line 001 of the journal, you could enter @001 here on line 002 to preset the account to the linked expense account.

    Account Type

    If the Account Code has not been preset, you can use this field to preset an account type. This ensures this journal line is posted to the chosen type of account. If you want to select another account type, use the second Account Type field.

    If this preset line is to remain unposted, i.e. it forms the basis for a calculation, select Calculation Line (Unposted).

    Asset Code

    This applies to the Fixed Assets Register, and is used to preset the asset code.

    Asset Subcode

    This applies to the Fixed Assets Register and is used to preset the asset subcode as defined in Asset Posting Presets.

    Value/Depreciation Indicator

    This applies to the Fixed Assets Register and identifies the type of asset value to be updated by the journal. Select Asset Value if this line is to update an asset value, Depreciation if it is to update an asset depreciation value, or Initial if it is to update an asset's initial value. Select Preset Blank, or leave this field blank if this line does not update asset values, or you need to enter this manually.

    Force Presets

    If this option is set, the operator is not able to alter the preset values for this journal line.

    Automatic Online Allocation

    If this option is set, the online allocation window appears automatically when the operator completes this journal line.

    Journal Types

    Click this button to access the Journal Types form.

  3. Save your changes.