Clearing Financials Locks
SunSystems prevents users from simultaneously running certain key functions which, if allowed, could result in data errors or inconsistencies. For example, if one user is currently running Payment Run (PYR), and a second user attempts to run Ledger Revaluation (LER), the second user is prohibited, so that the two processes cannot simultaneously affect the same data. In order to do this, SunSystems records each user's current activity. If a user runs one of the key Financials functions, a lock is placed on all other key functions in the same business unit, until that user has completed the process.
In the event of a system crash, or users being unable to exit their functions in the usual manner, Financials might be left in a state where its record of the current system activity is no longer correct. If this happens, the current activity record indicates that users are currently running functions when in reality they are not. This is especially important if any of them are indicated as running one of the key functions.
Clear Financials Locks (ZZL)
To display the current status of the functions that are currently running, open Clear Financials Locks (ZZL) from the main SunSystems menu. You can clear individual activity sessions by tagging one or more lines and using the action, or if necessary you can clear all displayed activity sessions using the action. If you do not want to clear any sessions, or are not sure, you can exit from the form without affecting any of the displayed sessions.