Financial Calendars
Financial Calendars provides enhanced visibility of calendar information as well as easier management of calendar data and financial years, especially where it is to be replicated across multiple business units and multiple modules.
SunSystems provides users with the ability to define transaction dates and accounting periods independently of one another which allows considerable flexibility and ease of setup. The Financial Calendars (FCS) function enables you to define and display the financial year across business units or multiple business units.
The Financial Calendar record defines the pattern of the accounting year, the financial year end and the accounting periods within the financial year. Within the boundaries set by the Financial Calendar record it is possible to create individual Financial Years records both manually and automatically. It also provides an audit trail of the calendar management using the History functionality.
Financial calendar and financial year information is defined and stored for sets of business units which can be in different business unit groups, and the SunSystems modules as required. This enables financial calendar and financial year information to be managed centrally for each group of business units, for example for change of accounting year, change of accounting period, management of open periods as well as the management of financial year closure, but with the facility for it to be overridden, where necessary, at the business unit level or module level. It also allows different variations of the same financial calendar in different business units and/or modules, but all must share a common year end.
Financial calendars enables multilingual descriptions of calendars, years and periods to be used on reports and inquiries.
Financial calendars also allows optional cross-validation of transaction dates and accounting period information which meets the specific requirements of countries using Sequence Numbering, Prima Nota accounting and variations thereof.
The new calendar information also supports the publication to ION using the necessary BOD definitions to enable complete integration with other ION-participating systems.