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SunSystems Financials Administration Guide
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Financials administration guide overview
Setting up the Financials environment
Setting up a Financials ledger
Accounting periods
Ledger Setup (LES)
Setting up Ledger Setup (LES)
Transaction Rules
Sequence Dimensions
4th Currency
Supplementary Financials
Agency / Broker
Voucher Numbering
Journal Classes
Printing Ledger Setup details
Creating Optional Ledger Tables
Optional Ledger Tables (OLT)
Balance Table Analysis Code Consolidation
Financial Calendars
Setting up Financial Calendars
Financial Calendars (FCS)
Financial Calendar status
Financial Years
Configuring Financial Calendars
Setting the financial year
Opening a Financial Year
Extending or Reducing the Financial Year
Financial years and business units
Assigning business units to financial years
Unassigning Business Units from financial years
Managing accounting periods
Manage Periods (FCP)
Validation of transaction dates and accounting periods
Closing the Financial Year
Viewing the financial calendars for each business unit
Financial Calendar Inquiry
Viewing Financial Calendar History
Ledger Sequence Numbering
Understanding Transaction Sequence Numbers
Setting up transaction sequence numbering
Assigning transaction sequence numbers to transaction types
Defining Ledger Sequence Codes
Ledger Sequence (LEQ)
The Automatic Tax Calculation Facility
Choosing Account Codes for Tax Amounts
How is Semi Deductable Tax Treated?
How is Stoppage or Withholding Tax Treated?
Tax Details (TXD)
Setting up the tax details
Setting up Tax Details (TXD) - General
Setting up Tax Details (TXD) - Tax
Setting up Tax Details (TXD) - Stoppages
Printing the tax details
Allocation Codes
Allocation Codes (ALC)
Setting up allocation codes
Setting up authorization controls
Overview of the Authorization facility
Authorization stages and user teams
The authorization status
Authorization sets
Processing authorized transactions
Configuring authorization
Authorization example
Using the example configuration for Ledger Entry
Defining Authorization Stages
Authorization Stage Setup (AUS)
Setting Up User Teams
User Team Setup (UTS)
Assigning Operators to a Users Team
Financial Rejection Code Setup (FJC)
Setting Up Financial Rejection Codes
Clearing Financials Locks
Setting up the Chart of Accounts
Overview of the Chart of Accounts and Analysis Facilities
What is the Chart of Accounts?
Account coding conventions
What are the Account Types?
What are Memo Accounts?
What are the Balance Types?
How are Accounts Analyzed?
Multi-currency account considerations
Managing Balance Sheet accounts
Managing Work in Progress
Maintaining the Chart of Accounts codes
Chart of Accounts (COA)
Setting up Chart of Accounts
Setting up Chart of Accounts - General
Setting up Chart of Accounts - Account Analysis
Setting up Chart of Accounts - Transaction Analysis
Setting up Chart of Accounts - Currency
Setting up Chart of Accounts - Withholding Tax
Setting up Chart of Accounts - Audit Data
Setting up Chart of Accounts - Agency/Broker
Printing the Chart of Accounts
Maintaining account details
Suspending Closing and Deleting Accounts
Setting up and controlling Ledger Entry
What are Journals and Transactions?
Assigning additional fields
Additional Fields Setup (AFS)
Journal input methods
Held journals
Speeding up ledger entry
Ledger entry validation controls
Ledger entry security
Restricting postings to periods
Intercompany Postings
How Journal Numbers are Assigned and Monitored
Ledger entry security
What are Journal Types?
Journal Types (JNT)
Setting up Journal Types
Setting up Journal Types (JNT) - General
Setting up Journal Types (JNT) - Analysis
Setting up Journal Types (JNT) - Automatic Tax
Setting up Journal Types (JNT) - Online Allocation
Setting up Journal Types (JNT) - Security
Setting up Journal Types (JNT) - Supplementary Financials
Setting up Journal Types (JNT) - Agency/Broker
Setting up Journal Types (JNT) - Unique References
Setting up Journal Types (JNT) - Intercompany Type
Printing the Journal Types
Overriding the posting rules for journal types
Security tab
Enabling Access to the Journal Types Posting Override Form
Understanding the Automatic Tax Details on Journal Types
Deleting Journal Types
What are Journal Presets?
Presetting Periods and Dates
Presetting the Account Code
Presetting the Amounts
Journal Presets (JNP)
Setting up Journal Presets
Setting up Journal Presets (JNP) - Presets
Setting up Journal Presets (JNP) - Currency
Setting up Journal Presets (JNP) - Analysis
Setting up Journal Presets (JNP) - Agency/Broker
Printing the Journal Presets
Setting up Journal Presets for currencies
Transaction currency preset details
Base currency preset details
Second base currency preset details
Fourth currency preset details
Journal Preset Examples
Journal balancing
When is a Journal In Balance?
Forcing selected journal lines to balance
Automatically generating balancing lines in ledger entry
Automatically setting analysis codes in balancing lines
Balancing a Journal in the Base Currency
Balancing a Multi-Currency Journal
What is Voucher Numbering?
Setting up Voucher Number Streams
Voucher Number Stream Setup (VNS)
Voucher number streams detail lines
Viewing voucher gaps
Journal Class Setup (JNC)
Setting up Journal Classes
Setting up payments and payment collections
Introducing Payment Run
Introducing the Payment Collection Process
Setting the Customer and Supplier Payment Details
Customer and Supplier Payment Terms
Customer and Supplier Payment Method
Customer and Supplier Payment Collection Details
Customer and Supplier Payment Bank Details
Multi-Currency Payments and Collections
Payment Profiles
What are the Payment Run Time Selection Criteria?
How is the Payment Method Used
Selecting Transactions for Payment by Currency
Payment Profiles (PYP)
Setting up Payment Profiles
Setting up Payment Profiles (PYP) - General
Setting up Payment Profiles (PYP) - Payments
Setting up Payment Profiles (PYP) - Options
Setting up Payment Profiles (PYP) - Currency Thresholds
Setting up Payment Profiles (PYP) - Additional Currencies
Setting up Payment Profiles (PYP) - Currency Rules
Printing the Payment Profiles
Understanding the payment run in more detail
How Transactions are Selected for Payment or Collection
Preventing Accounts and Transactions Being Paid
Using Due Date to Select Transactions for Payment
Using Allocation Markers to Select Transactions for Payment
What Postings are Generated by Payment Run?
Can a Payment Account Become Overdrawn?
Producing One-off Payments
Taking Discounts and Adjusting the Tax
Pay at Current Rates - Calculation Rules
Generating the Payment Transactions
Generating the Currency Difference Transactions
What is the Payment File?
Understanding the payment collection run in more detail
Allowing Discounts on Payment Collection
What Postings are Generated by Payment Collection Run?
What is the Bank Transfer File?
Controlling the Production of the Bank Transfer File
Setting up budgets
Understanding Financials budgetary control
What Budget Controls are Available?
What is Expenditure Checking?
What is Commitment Checking?
What is a Budget Ledger?
What is a Budget Check?
At What Levels Can the Budget be Set
Combined Analysis Code Budget Checking
Maintaining Multi-Currency Budgets
How are Transactions Checked Against Available Budget?
Setting up budget checking
Setting up expenditure checking
Setting Up Expenditure and Commitment Checking
Identifying a Budget Ledger
Budget Labels (BLB)
Budget Check Setup (BCS)
Defining Budget Checks
Setting a Revised or New Year's Budget
Modifying Budget Checks
Rebuilding Budget Balances
What are Budget Balances?
Why Rebuild the Budget Balances?
What Data is Used to Rebuild Budget Balances?
What Data is Excluded from the Rebuild Process?
What is Lost When You Rebuild Budget Balances?
Overview of the Rebuild Process
Setting up corporate allocations
What are the components of an allocation?
Defining the allocation components
Building the allocation setup
Running an allocation
Stepped or sequenced allocations
Common Uses for Corporate Allocations
Understanding Corporate Allocations
What are Allocation Sources?
What are Allocation Targets?
What Types of Allocation are Available?
What are Allocation Ratios?
What are Allocation Setups?
What Ledger Transactions are Generated by Corporate Allocations?
What Ledger Transactions are Produced by Each Allocation Type?
Consolidating the Journal Transactions
Allocating Across Multiple Departments
Defining an allocation
Setting up Allocation Sources
Corporate Allocation Sources (CAS)
Setting up Allocation Targets
Corporate Allocation Targets (CAT)
Corporate Allocation Ratios (CAR)
Setting up Allocation Ratios
Setting Corporate Allocation Ratios (CAR) - General
Setting Corporate Allocation Ratios (CAR) - Filter
Setting Corporate Allocation Ratios (CAR) - Options
Setting up Allocation Calendars
Corporate Allocation Calendar (CAA)
Printing the Allocation Calendars
Corporate Allocation Setup (CAD)
Setting up Corporate Allocations
Corporate Allocation Rules
Setting Corporate Allocation Setup (CAD) - General
Setting Corporate Allocation Setup (CAD) - Options
Setting Corporate Allocation Setup (CAD) - Currency
Printing the Allocation Rule Setups
Setting up Financials reports
What are the Financial Report Writers?
Setting up the ledger for financial reporting
Understanding the common Financials report writer elements
Selecting the Data for a Financial Report
What Selection Criteria Dimensions are Available?
What are the Column Heading Codes?
Formatting a Financial Report
Setting the Accounting Period for a Report
Consolidating Data in a Report
Multi-Currency Financial Reporting
Transferring Report Data to other Software Packages
Improving the Speed of Reporting
Setting up column codes
Financial Reports Column Headings (FRH)
Setting up Financial Analysis reports
Producing a Financial Analysis report
Financial Analysis Layouts (FNL)
Setting up Financial Analysis Layouts
Printing the Financial Analysis Layout definition
Defining the report columns
Sorting a Financial Analysis report
Consolidating Data in a Financial Analysis report
Setting up Financial statement reports
Producing a Financial Statement
Financial Statement Layouts (FSL)
Setting up Financial Statement layouts
Filter / Sort
Printing the Financial Statements Layout definition
Setting Up Financial Statement Rows
Financial Statement Rows (FSR)
Printing the Financial Statement Row details
Understanding Financial statements
What are the Row Types?
Using Total Rows on a Financial Statement
Selecting the Accounts for a Line
Sorting a Financial Statement
Reporting Signs and Variances
Changing Column Value Types for a Row
Excluding Unwanted Rows
Consolidating Data in a Financial Statement
Reporting Depending on Account Balance
Setting up Financial Tables Report
Comparing Financial Statements and Financial Tables
Producing a Financial Table Report
Financial Table Columns
What are the Financial Table Column Types?
What Selection Criteria are Available on Financial Tables?
What is the Column Data Code?
What is the Column Basis?
Setting Up Financial Table Columns
Financial Table Columns (FTC)
Printing the Financial Table Column details
Financial Table Rows
Selecting the Row Basis
Selecting the Data for a Table Row
Setting Up Financial Table Rows
Financial Table Rows (FTR)
Printing the Financial Table Row details
Financial Table Formats
Sorting the Financial Table data
Financial Table Formats (FTF)
Setting Up Financial Table Formats
Setting Up Financial Table Formats - Filter/Sort
Setting Up Financial Table Formats - Options
Printing the Financial Table Format details
Using statistics in Financial Tables
Reporting quarters in Financial Tables
Financial Reporting Subdimensions
Setting up Financial Reporting Subdimensions
Financial Reporting Subdimensions (FSC)
Financial Report Writer examples
Financial analysis example - expense analysis report
Financial analysis example - when to use selection codes versus level codes
Financial statement example - sample balance sheet layout
Financial statement example - sample balance sheet rows
Financial tables example - sample expenses by profit centre report rows
Financial tables examples - sample expenses by profit centre report columns
Sample gross profit report using statistics
Setting up account documents and statements
How are account documents and statements produced?
Period and year end processing
Ledger Revaluation
Selecting the Revaluation Source and Target Currencies
Selecting Transactions for Revaluation
How are the Revaluation Differences Posted?
What Periods are Revalued and Updated?
Consolidating Revaluation Transactions
Which Transaction Values are Updated by Revaluation?
Revaluing Base Currency using Transaction Currency as the Source
Revaluing Second Base/Reporting Currency using Transaction Currency as the Source
Revaluing Second Base Reporting Currency using Base Currency as the Source
Revaluing Base Currency using Second Base / Reporting Currency as the Source
Revaluing Fourth Currency
Revaluing Currencies using Fourth Currency as the Source
Unrealized Gain/Loss Postings versus Balancing Adjustment Postings
Using Revaluation with the Currency Models
Using Revaluation with the Revalue until True Rated Option Set
Ledger Revaluation Profiles (LEP)
Setting up Ledger Revaluation Profiles
Currency and Value Selections
Account and Journal Selections
Analysis Selections
Consolidation Options
Audit Data
Ledger Revaluation (LER)
Running Ledger Revaluation
Setting up Ledger Revaluation (LER) - General
Selection Criteria tabs (Display-only)
Ledger Revaluation Reports
Ledger Cleardown
What Transactions are Cleared?
Removing or Archiving Transactions
Consolidating Analysis on Cleardown
Running ledger cleardown
Running ledger cleardown
Using Ledger Cleardown
Running Ledger Cleardown (LCL)
Analysis Code Consolidation
Updating the Ledger Balances
Rebuilding Ledger Balances
Financial year end processing
What is the Year End Cleardown?
Transferring Year End Profit or Loss to the Balance Sheet
Financials solutions to specific requirements
Italian Accounting Overview
Registration to the Prima Nota
Posting From the Prima Nota
Reporting and the Prima Nota
Security Issues and the Prima Nota
A Typical Prima Nota Usage Example
Italian Accounting Glossary
Using Financials as a broker ledger
Pay as Paid processing
How is the Pay as Paid Principle Enforced?
How is Funding Treated?
How are Re-Instatements Treated?
What are True Rated Transactions?
Understanding the Link References
Setting Up and Maintaining Accounting Links
Viewing Transactions by Link Reference
Splitting Linked Transactions
Splitting Linked Transaction Exceptions
Breaking Accounting Links
Linked Transaction Match Releasing Rules
Principal to principal processing
Recording the Principal to Principal Hierarchy
Using the Hierarchy to Produce Consolidated Payments
Fixed asset administration
Understanding the Fixed Asset Register
What asset details are maintained?
What asset values are maintained?
How are the asset values updated?
What are asset budgets?
How are assets analyzed?
How are assets depreciated?
How are asset disposals handled?
Fixed Asset multi-currency processing
Setting up the Asset Register
Depreciation methods
What is Japanese Straight Line Depreciation
What are the Elements of Enhanced Depreciation?
Enhanced Depreciation - Full Year Depreciation in First Year
Enhanced Depreciation - First Year Percentage Reduction in Depreciation Rate
Enhanced Depreciation - Advanced Depreciation
Enhanced Depreciation - Selecting Assets for Advanced Depreciation
Enhanced Depreciation - Reduction in Depreciation for a Given Year
Enhanced Depreciation - Manually Posting Depreciation Amounts
How is the Final Asset Value Treated?
Depreciating the Active Days in the Start Period
Setting Up a Depreciation Table
Depreciation Tables (FDT)
Printing the Depreciation Table
Defining Depreciation Table Headings
Depreciation Table Headings (FDH)
Printing the Depreciation Table Headings
Setting Up Depreciation Timing Rules
Depreciation Timing Rules (FDU)
Printing the Depreciation Timing Rules
Setting Up the Elements of Enhanced Depreciation
Setting Up the Asset Register for Enhanced Depreciation
Running the Enhanced Depreciation Elements at Year End
Setting up Asset records
Asset Records (FAS)
Setting up an asset record
Value 1 Depreciation
Value 2 Depreciation
Value 3 Depreciation
Value 4 Depreciation
Asset Notes
Asset Posting Presets
Printing the Asset Details
Fixed Asset Class (FAC)
Setting up Asset Classes
Value 1 Depreciation
Value 2 Depreciation
Value 3 Depreciation
Entering Asset Notes
Asset Note Setup
Asset Purchase
Asset Finance
User Details
Printing the Asset Notes
Presetting the Asset Posting Analysis Codes
Apportioning the Depreciation using Asset Analysis details
Creating Asset Posting Presets
Asset Posting Presets
Printing the Asset Posting Presets
Asset Budget Details (FAB)
Setting up Asset Budgets
Value 1 Depreciation
Value 2 Depreciation
Value 3 Depreciation
Value 4 Depreciation
Clearing Down Fixed Assets
Ledger Conversion
Preparing for Ledger Conversion
Preparing the source business unit
Preparing the target business unit
Checking the account and asset conversion controls
Running Ledger Conversion
Running ledger conversion
Ledger conversion prerequisites
Ledger Conversion (LCN)
Defining the Ledger Conversion Source and Targets
Confirming the new business unit structure
Setting the ledger conversion balancing options
Selecting the Ledger Conversion Data
Checking the Conversion Results
Rerunning Ledger Conversion
What is ledger conversion balancing?
How does ledger conversion perform the conversion?
Reconciling a trial balance ledger total in a generated base currency
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