Additional Fields Setup (AFS)
Use Additional Fields Setup to define specific purposes for any of the additional
fields by assigning them a heading and a description.
- Open Additional Fields Setup (AFS) from the main SunSystems menu.
Specify this information:
- Column Type
The type of field required - either General Description or General Date.
- Column Number
The number of the additional field. 1 to 25 for general description fields and 1 to 5 for general date fields.
- Short Heading
The Short Heading is a shortened version of the description, and can be used instead of the full name where space is limited.
- Description
The name or description for this field. It is used to identify the additional field on reports, inquiries, and forms.
- Amendable in Allocations
Specifies if the data within this field should be amendable within Account Allocations (ACA).
- Save your changes.