Resolving Synchronization

Synchronize Resolution gives details of the records for the objects to be mapped. To investigate the differences between a source record and a target record you can view the field details. For selected objects you can also select an action to view the source child records for the object.

You can set the resolution for rows that exist in the target, but are different to the source. The last saved settings are displayed as the default if a previous synchronization has taken place. To make bulk changes to a selected set of records select the Amend Filter option to filter by the Mandatory and Resolution fields. When you have filtered records select Set Resolution to apply a bulk change. You can also select each resolution cell and update it.

The valid resolutions depend on the type of object, whether the record is being used or not, and whether the source exists in the pack. This is the full list of resolutions:

  • Unresolved. Requires one of the values to be set.
  • Use Target. The copy of the record in the packed source is used and overwrites the target.
  • Use Source. The copy of the record in the target is used without any changes.
  • Create New. A new record is created using the details in the target. All existing references within the source are mapped to use the new value
  • Create in Target. This option is only valid when the record does not exist in the target.
  • Map to Existing. This will change the references in the source to details entered in the target.
  • Ignore. This is only valid when the record is not referenced by any record in the source and is therefore not mandatory. If the Mandatory flag is set and Resolution set to Ignore, an error message is displayed.

Use these options to re-map records to a new name. You can use an existing target record or overwrite existing records. Records are ignored and not copied if the code is not used in the business unit, that is, where it is not marked as mandatory. If any record is assigned another name then all references to that record in the packed business unit are changed to that name.

For Document Formats if the business unit code on the mapped code is not the target business unit then an error message is displayed.

Note: To create a new user as Domain Operator, you must do it manually in SunSystems before you run Synchronization in Business Unit Administration (BUA). Then you can map users using Map to Exisitng resolution.
Note: To create a new group as Domain Operator Group, you must do it manually in SunSystems before you run Synchronization in Business Unit Administration (BUA). Then you can map groups using Map to Exisitng resolution.

The status for the row setting is updated to Resolved when there are no issues with the target code.