Supplier (SUS)

Supplier (SUS) is used to enter and maintain all of the information relating to an organization from which you purchase goods or services.

A supplier is linked to a creditor/payables account in the Financials ledger. This account holds all of the financial postings for the supplier. When you add a new supplier you can create the associated creditor/payables account at the same time by entering all of the chart of accounts details. Alternatively, if you have already created the account, you can reference this chart of accounts code to display the ledger account details.

Note:  It is important that this link between the supplier and the Financials creditor/payables account is established.

A large amount of information can be held for a supplier and these details are often divided into a series of logical tabs on the form (depending on the form design). Some of the details are only required if you are using the appropriate SunSystems facility for example, the Order Entry details are only required if you are using SunSystems Order Fulfilment.

Linking Suppliers to Addresses, Contacts and Other Reference Details

A supplier record can reference many different static data details, many of which must have been predefined. For example, address codes, bank details and contacts. These details are referenced in different ways, depending on whether one or more items can be referenced.

Note: Before you add a new supplier you should ensure that the following details have been defined, if they are required: addresses, payment terms, bank details, currency code.

Supplier (SUS)

The Supplier form contains the following:

  • Header Information
  • Communication
  • Account
  • Payment
  • Currency
  • Order Entry
  • Tax Id Details
  • Supplier Analysis
  • Account Analysis
  • Transaction Analysis
  • Miscellaneous