Importing a packed store business unit group from storage

In Business Unit Administration (BUA), you can import files from storage into a store business unit group.

Before you start, make sure that:
  • You select a store business unit group. If the business unit or business unit group you have selected is from packed store, live or archive, a message is displayed confirming only store business unit group can be imported.
  • You are a member of storage administration group.
  • Other users are not performing Export, Import, Create, Copy, Move, Delete, Pack or Synchronize actions now. If any other user is in progress with any of these BUA actions a message is displayed confirming waiting until other process is finished.
  • The blank business units from import files have been created in store business unit group before import.
  • Business units in store business unit group are consistent with the business units in source folder.
  • The SunSystems version number is the same with the version of the imported files.

  1. Select the store business unit group to be imported.
  2. Click Import from the Action menu.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Select the import folder path and click OK.
    Once the business unit group is successfully imported, the Action column in Business Unit Administration is updated. You can also go to Business Unit Administration History page to view the result. The group type is updated from pack to packed store.