4th Currency (U4C)
Specify this information:
- Process Mode
Select Calculate Value 4 to update the business unit setup and calculate and insert Value 4 on historical transactions in the ledger. Otherwise select Update the Business Unit Only to update the business unit setup without modifying the ledger.
- Balancing Account
If you select Calculate Value 4 for Process Mode, and specify a currency in 4th Currency Code, then Value 4 is fixed, and the update will ensure that Value 4 balances for the ledger. In this case, select the account to be used for posting any balancing transactions (debit or credit) required to make the fourth currency balance during the calculation. Otherwise leave blank.
- Actuals / Budgets
Select the ledger in which you want to calculate and insert the fourth currency values. Select either Actuals, or all Budgets.
- Validate Only
Select this option to validate that all conversion rates required to calculate Value 4 are defined, without committing the changes to the business unit. Otherwise leave blank to perform the calculation and commit the changes to the business unit.
Note: If you select Validate Only, and the validation is successful, then the business unit setup is still updated even though no transactions are updated with a Value 4 amount. - Business Unit Code
Display only. The business unit in which you want to create fourth currency values.
- 4th Currency Value Name
A generic name given to the Value 4 currency value entered on posting transactions. For example, banking currency.
- 4th Currency Code
Specify the code identifying the fourth currency if this currency is fixed. Otherwise leave blank to define the fourth currency as variable. If it is defined as variable, and you want the 4th currency values to be calculated for historical transactions, then the currency code used in the calculation is obtained from the Chart of Accounts (COA) record for each individual transaction line. If the Default 4th Currency Code is blank on the chart of accounts record for a transaction, then the fourth currency value is left blank for that transaction.
- 4th Currency Posting Rule
The posting rule that controls whether or not the currency value is required on each ledger posting transaction. The options are:
- 0-Undefined. This option prevents a fourth currency value being entered or imported on any transactions. It is displayed for information only, as it does not apply to the fourth currency update.
- 1-Only Present If Entered. This option allows a fourth currency to be entered manually on a transaction. However, the value is optional, so if a fourth currency code is not entered a value is not calculated.
- 3-Calculated If Not Entered. This option means the fourth currency value is mandatory. If the fourth currency code is entered, the currency value is calculated from whichever value is defined in the Fourth Currency Calculate From field.
Note: If you define the 4th Currency Code as fixed, then you cannot select 1-Only Present If Entered as the 4th Currency Posting Rule because a fourth currency value is required on all transactions. - 4th Currency Calculate from Value 1/2/3
Choose the value from which the fourth currency is calculated. Click OK to process.
- Save your changes.