Setting up Tax Id Validation
You can configure SunSystems to validate that the Tax Ids you enter on your customer and supplier records are unique.
If Tax Id Validation is being used for Supplier (SUS) or for Customers (CUS), when you save a record, SunSystems checks whether the Tax Id you enter is already registered on another supplier record or customer record within this business unit. If it is, a message is displayed asking you if you wish to continue saving this record with a duplicate Tax Id.
Checking for Tax Ids Duplicated Across Customer and Supplier Records
The Supplier function not only checks supplier records, but also checks customer records for duplicate instances of the Tax Id you enter. Similarly, Customers also checks supplier records. If a duplicate is found in this scenario, then before displaying the Duplicate Tax ID message, an additional check is performed to test whether the account code on the corresponding record is the same as that entered on the current record. If it is then the message is not displayed. This is because if a customer and supplier record share the same account then they both pertain to the same company, and thus can use the same Tax Id. For example, an intercompany account might require both a supplier record and customer record to be created for the same company, both records with the same Tax Id, and sharing one account in the Chart of Accounts.
To Set Up Tax Id Validation for Supplier Records
- Create an Event Profile (EVP) with the code SUPPCHECK, for example.
- Click the
Command Data Item Operator Data Item or Value If Function Code = Supplier If Call Point = Before Data Posting
button, and create the following
conditions: - Click Event Profiles form. twice to close the
- Create a Rule Set (RST) with Event Code SUPPCHECK, and Rule Code SUPPTAXID, for example.
- Click the
Command Value 1 Operator Value 2 Decision Column Rule Action 1 Call SUPPTAXIDCHECK X
button and create the following rule:
- Click Rule Sets form. twice to close the
To Set Up Tax Id Validation for Customer Records
- Create an Event Profile (EVP) with the code CUSTCHECK, for example.
- Click the
Command Data Item Operator Data Item or Value If Function Code = Customers If Call Point = Before Data Posting
button, and create the following
conditions: - Click Event Profiles form. twice to close the
- Create a Rule Set (RST) with Event Code CUSTCHECK, and Rule Code, for example, CUSTTAXID.
- Click the
Command Value 1 Operator Value 2 Decision Column Rule Action 1 Call CUSTTAXIDCHECK X
button and create the following rule:
- Click Rule Sets form. twice to close the