Setting up Supplier (SUS) - Communication form

  1. Specify this information:
    Company Address Code
    The address code that identifies the organization's main address. This is created using Addresses (ADD).
    Link Address Code
    The address code that identifies an alternative address for the organization, for example a head office address. This is also created using Addresses (ADD).
    E-mail Address
    The organization's e-mail address, if applicable.
    Web Page Address
    The organization's internet web page address, if applicable. For multisite organizations this means each site can have its own web address.
    Note: To edit the E-mail Address or Web Page Address fields, click at the beginning or end of the field and use your arrow keys to navigate to the correct position. You can then edit the text. If you click on the whole field, the hyperlink is activated.
    A free format description of the organization, perhaps identifying the products or services you regularly purchase.
    Any additional free format text you want to record about the organization.
    Supplier Contacts
    Click Contacts to identify the people you deal with at the organization. Any contacts that have been identified for the organization are listed. You can associate new contacts with the organization (providing you have already defined the contact), or remove contacts for the organization.
    If you haven't added a new contact's details using Contacts (CON), you can continue adding the organization and add this code at a later date.
    Data Access Group Code
  2. Save your changes.