What steps are required to define an analysis hierarchy?
An analysis hierarchy groups the analysis codes you have defined for an analysis dimension. So, before you can create an analysis hierarchy, you must have created the analysis dimension and analysis codes. The steps required to do this are:
- Define the analysis dimension using Analysis Dimensions (AND). For example, set up a sales area dimension to contain sales area codes.
- Set up all of the analysis codes using Analysis Codes (ANC). For example, set up all of the individual sales area codes.
Note: Additional steps are required to assign
the analysis dimension to the appropriate entities.
Once you have created the analysis codes, the following steps are required to set up an analysis hierarchy:
- Define the analysis hierarchy using Analysis Hierarchy (ANH). For example, a hierarchy called sales region.
- Set up the analysis hierarchy codes using Analysis Hierarchy Codes Setup. For example, set up a code for each sales region.
- Finally, link each analysis code to the appropriate hierarchy code using Analysis Hierarchy Assign Code (ANY). For example, to link each sales area to the appropriate sales region.