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SunSystems Administration Guide
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SunSystems administration overview
Managing the system environment
Invoking forms from outside the application
Invoking the Windows Command Prompt
Creating a desktop shortcut to directly open a form or function
Resetting default forms
Setting up form load caching
Calculating cache size
Setting cache size for users (Client-side)
Setting cache size
Disabling form load caching
Caching rules
Changing the current accounting period
Preparing to change the period
Changing the period
Changing budget ledger
Changing budget ledger
Error messages in common services
Reconciliation Manager SQL table maintenance
Clearing down the interface tables
Clear Interface Tables (CIT)
Setting up a multilingual system
Business units
Business Unit Administration (BUA)
Accessing a business unit
The steps required to set up a business unit
Setting up a business unit
Business unit setup (BUA)
Business Unit Setup - General Entries
Business Unit Setup - Value 1 Entries
Business Unit Setup - Balancing details
Business Unit Setup - Write On Write Off details
Business Unit Setup - Value 2 Entries
Business Unit Setup - Value 3 Entries
Business Unit Setup - Value 4 Entries
Business Unit Setup - Value 5 Entries
Business Unit Setup - Memo Value Entries
Business Unit Setup - Data Access Security
Using business unit administration to copy a business unit
Copying a business unit
Recommendations for copying a business unit
Suppressing transactions
Creating a business unit
Naming a business unit
Using Business Unit Name
Setting up a business unit address
Moving a business unit
Business unit processing form
Synchronizing a business unit
Resolving Synchronization
Setting the business unit to offline
Connecting to the default business unit offline
Connecting to all offline business unit groups
Archiving a business unit
How to archive a business unit
Viewing business unit archive history
Viewing business unit archive failure reasons
Deleting a business unit
More information about deleting business units
Packing up a business unit to a store business unit group
Converting a store business unit group to a live business unit group
Importing a packed store business unit group from storage
Exporting a packed store business unit group into storage
Advanced options in Business Unit Administration
Checking the Referential Integrity of a Business Unit
Enable Trusted Constraints
Clear Work Tables
Parameter Tables
Amend Group Name
Update Base Language Descriptions
Amend a Base Language
Recreate Missing Foreign Keys
Viewing Business Unit Administration History
General data changes
Changing the status code
Correcting static data
Deleting ranges
Global analysis
Overview of global analysis
How does the analysis work?
What type of analysis is required?
What are analysis dimensions and codes?
What data can be analyzed?
Linking existing codes to an analysis dimension
Static and transaction data analysis
How analysis codes are entered
What are analysis hierarchies?
What is analysis mapping?
Analysis inquiry and reporting
Setting up analysis dimensions and codes
What steps are required to define the analysis?
Analysis Dimensions (AND)
Setting up Analysis Dimensions
Analysis Structure (ANS)
Assigning Analysis Dimensions to entities
Analysis Codes (ANC)
Setting up Analysis Codes
Amending analysis codes
Viewing and selecting analysis codes
Deleting analysis codes and dimensions
Mapping the Ledger Transaction Analysis
Analysis mapping to Ledger Setup (ANM)
Extended analysis
Setting up standard extension fields
Setting up custom extension fields
Additional code lists
Defining an additional code list
Analysis Hierarchy (ANH)
What steps are required to define an analysis hierarchy?
Setting up analysis hierarchies
Setting up analysis hierarchy codes
Linking analysis codes to an analysis hierarchy
Assigning analysis codes to a hierarchy
Customers and suppliers
Linking a customer to a ledger account
One-off customers
Other customer links
Linking a supplier to a ledger account
One-Off Suppliers
Managing your receivables accounts
Receivables accounts customer static details
Receivables accounts debtor receivables accounts
Receivables accounts analyzing customers accounts and transactions
Receivables accounts managing disputes with your clients
Receivables accounts recording transactions
Receivables accounts matching transactions
Receivables accounts inquiring on debtor receivables accounts
Receivables accounts debtor receivables reports
Receivables accounts payment collection runs
Managing your payables accounts
Payables accounts supplier static details
Payables accounts creditor/payables accounts
Payables accounts analyzing suppliers accounts and transactions
Payables accounts managing disputes with your clients
Payables accounts recording transactions
Payables accounts matching transactions
Payables accounts inquiring on creditor payables accounts
Payables accounts creditors payables reports
Payables accounts payment runs
Managing multisite organizations
Customers (CUS)
Setting up Customers (CUS) form
Setting up Customers (CUS) form - General tab
Setting up Customers (CUS) form - Account tab
Setting up Customers (CUS) form - Payment tab
Setting up Customers (CUS) form - Currency tab
Setting up Customers (CUS) form - Order Entry tab
Setting up Customers (CUS) form - Credit Control tab
Setting up Customers (CUS) form - Tax Id Details tab
Setting up Customers (CUS) form - Customer Analysis tab
Setting up Customers (CUS) form - Account Analysis tab
Setting up Customers (CUS) form - Transaction Analysis tab
Setting up Customers (CUS) form - Miscellaneous tab
Supplier (SUS)
Supplier (SUS) form
Setting up Supplier (SUS) - Communication form
Setting up Supplier (SUS) form - Account tab
Setting up Supplier (SUS) form - Payment tab
Setting up Supplier (SUS) form - Currency tab
Setting up Supplier (SUS) form - Order Entry tab
Setting up Supplier (SUS) form - Tax Id Details tab
Setting up Supplier (SUS) form - Supplier Analysis tab
Setting up Supplier (SUS) form - Account Analysis tab
Setting up Supplier (SUS) form - Transaction Analysis tab
Setting up Supplier (SUS) form - Miscellaneous tab
Setting up Tax Id Validation
Adding and maintaining clients details
Linking customers and suppliers to static data
Adding and removing customer and supplier contacts
Linking a contact to a customer or supplier
Removing customer and supplier contacts
Linking document formats to customers and suppliers
Adding a new document format to customers and suppliers
Removing a document format for a customer or supplier
Linking addresses to customers
Setting up a delivery address
Setting up an acknowledgement address
Setting up an invoicing address
Linking ordering addresses to suppliers
Addresses (ADD)
Adding and maintaining addresses
Setting up Addresses (ADD) - Details
Setting up Addresses (ADD) - Communication
Setting up Addresses (ADD) - Tax Id
Setting up Addresses (ADD) - Analysis Code
Deleting addresses
Contacts (CON)
Adding and maintaining contacts
Payment Terms
What are document dates?
Using payment terms to calculate dates
Using payment terms to control documents
How is discount and inclusive tax determined?
Setting up and maintaining payment terms
Payment Terms (PYT)
Using payment terms setup
Setting up Payment Terms (PYT) - Details
What Payment Term Base Date types are available for Order Fulfilment?
Deleting payment terms
Deleting the payment terms details determining a selected date
Deleting an entire set of payment terms
Updating the payment terms for existing transactions
Updating the payment terms for existing transactions
Scheduled Payments Setup (SCH)
When is a scheduled payments split invoked?
What information is included in the split lines?
How do scheduled payments interact with other processes?
An example of scheduled payments
Setting up scheduled payments
Assigning a payment schedule to a customer or supplier
Setting up Instalment Lines for Scheduled Payments
Bank details
Using multiple bank accounts
Bank Details Setup (BNK)
Bank details for customers and suppliers
Your own bank details
Setting up Bank Details Setup (BNK)
Setting up Bank Details Setup (BNK) - General
Setting up Bank Details Setup (BNK) - Payments
Setting up Bank Details Setup (BNK) - Ledger Posting Accounts
Bank Details Extension Setup (BDE)
Preparing bank files for transfer
Setting up Bank Details Extension Setup (BDE) - General
Setting up Bank Details Extension Setup (BDE) - Flag Y/N
Setting up Bank Details Extension Setup (BDE) - Codes
Setting up Bank Details Extension Setup (BDE) - Name
Setting up Bank Details Extension Setup (BDE) - Description
Setting up Bank Details Extension Setup (BDE) - Flags
Setting up Bank Details Extension Setup (BDE) - Integer
Setting up Bank Details Extension Setup (BDE) - Number
Setting up Bank Details Extension Setup (BDE) - Text
Bank details validation rules
Bank details validation rules for Austria (EDIFACT)
Bank details validation rules for Belgium
Bank details validation rules for France
Bank details validation rules for Germany
Bank details validation rules for Ireland
Bank details validation rules for Italy
Bank details validation rules for Luxembourg
Bank details validation rules for Netherlands
Bank details validation rules for Spain
The multi-currency environment
Multi-currency functionality
Understanding the transaction currency values
What is the base currency?
What is the transaction currency?
What is the second base or reporting currency?
What is the memo value?
What is the fourth currency?
What is the fifth currency?
What is the pivot currency?
How the pivot currency conversion works
Choosing the pivot currency
Posting realized and unrealized exchange differences
Setting up a multi-currency business unit
Defining the use of the currency values
The fifth currency in Financials
Setting the multi-currency ledger requirements
Setting the currency balancing rules
Setting the currency posting rules
Setting the currency rules for a journal type
Journal type currency overrides
Multi-currency journal presets
Setting the currency rules for an account
Setting the currency rules for an asset
Examples of multi-currency business setup examples
GAAP model business unit setup
Split currency risk model business unit setup
Currency and conversion codes
What currency code details are maintained?
Currency gender
Using currency codes for non-currency conversions
Currency Codes (CNC)
Setting up currency codes
Which currency code is used in Order Fulfilment?
Currency conversion rates
Period rates
Daily rates
How are currency rates expressed?
Decimal places
Multiply or divide rates
Rate tolerance checking
Overriding the tolerance checking
Global override tolerance checking details
Currency Rate Types (CRT)
Entering currency rate types
The default currency rate type
Maintaining period rates
How are period rates applied?
How are the reporting rates used?
Currency Period Rates (CNP)
Entering currency period rates
Setting Currency Period Rates (CNP) - General
Currency Period Rates (CNP) - Overriding the details specified in currency codes
Currency Period Rates (CNP) - Reporting rates
Maintaining daily rates
How are daily currency rates applied?
Currency Daily Rates (CND)
Entering currency daily rates
Override details in Currency Codes (CNC) for this daily rate
Converting the memo currency to the fourth currency
Running the Memo Currency Upgrade
Upgrade Memo Currency (UMC)
Calculating the fourth currency
Running the Fourth Currency Upgrade
4th Currency (U4C)
Standard text
Setting up standard text classes
Setting up standard text for languages
Transaction references
Setting up Transaction References (TRS)
How to set up a date or period in a transaction reference
Configuring the transaction reference for voucher numbering
Using analysis for transaction references
Number streams
Setting up number streams
Business rules
Business rule elements
When can I use a business rule?
Event Profiles (EVP)
Event profiles function condition
Event profiles call point and action code conditions
Event profiles data item conditions
Creating event profiles
Event Profiles (EVP)
Amending event profiles
Call points and action codes
Financials call points and actions
Special call points required for the SET command
Target ledger for Ledger Import
Distinguishing Order Fulfilment Ledger Imports from other Ledger Imports
Action codes
Static data call points and actions
Order Fulfilment call points and actions
Rule sets
Understanding condition statements
Condition statements literal values
Condition statements masked values
Condition statements keywords
Condition statements IF OR condition statements
Understanding action statements
Action statement commands
Using the SET and CALCULATE action commands
Using the SET action command to insert data
Understanding decision columns
Using multiple IFs and decision columns
Understanding work space areas
Some example rule sets
Creating rule sets
Amending rule sets
Adding a new rule within the current rule set
Amending an existing rule
Deleting an existing rule
Rule Sets (RST)
Using the Rule Sets Form
Rule messages
Rules Messages (RMG)
Rule data sets
Creating Rule Data Set Keys
Rule Data Set Keys (RDK)
Setting up Rule Data Sets
Rule Data Sets (RDS)
Understanding Rule Data Presets
Creating Rule Data Presets
Rule Data Presets Setup
Hierarchy of Rule Data
Data items
Redefined Data Items Setup (RDI)
Date, period and amount formats
Selecting items from the Data Dictionary
Understanding the Data Dictionary
The data item hierarchy
Understanding the Rule Common Fields
Understanding the function data hierarchy
Financials function data hierarchy
Order Fulfilment function data hierarchy
Static data function data hierarchy
Understanding the related static data
Best practice tips for business rules
Using business rules with reconciliation manager
Defining the Reconciliation rule set
Setting up the business rules for Tax Reporting
Creating the Event profile
Defining the rule set for the event profile
Control desks
Control desk requirements
Using Control Desks
Running Control Desks
Control desk filter selection
Control desk security
Control Desk Security (CDS)
Viewing and manipulating the control desk extract results
Imploding and exploding the results
Summarizing or imploding the data
Detailing or exploding the data
Resequencing the data
Drilling through the results
Linking to the data entry option
Selecting a drill association
Exporting drills from Designer Edition
Importing drills
Selecting items on a control desk
Using the Control Desk In-Tray
Setting up Sales Invoice/Sales Order drills
Understanding the control desk entry point
Launching associated functions from a control desk
Document formats
Setting up document formats
Document Format (DFS)
Document Format (DFS) - Registration
Document Formats (DFS) - General - Runtime defaults
Document Format (DFS) - General - Other settings
Document Format (DFS) - Documents
Document Format (DFS) - Transaction reference
Document Format (DFS) - Financials Processing
Document Format (DFS) - Consolidation Rules
Document Format (DFS) - Tax Filters
Document Format (DFS) - Posting Provisional Transactions
Static data reports
Running data migration
Data Migration (DMG)
Recurring invoicing
Setting up a recurrence
Amending a recurrence
Deleting a recurrence
Setting up contracts
Contract types
Setting up a contract type
Amending a contract type
Deleting a contract type
Assigning contract line presets to a contract type
Contract header
Creating and maintaining a contract header
Amending a contract header
Deleting a contract header
Generating credit lines on a contract header
Embedding standard text on a contract header
Detaching standard text from a contract header
Deleting standard text attached to a contract header
Contract header presets
Setting up a contract header preset
Amending a contract header preset
Deleting a contract header preset
Contract lines
Creating and maintaining a contract line
Amending a contract line
Copying a contract line
Running a contract cleardown process
Deleting a contract line
Embedding standard text on a contract line
Detaching standard text from a contract line
Generating credit lines on a contract line
Deleting standard text attached to a contract line
Drilling down from contract lines to invoice lines
Contract line presets
Setting up a contract line preset
Amending a contract line preset
Deleting a contract line preset
Running recalculate contracts process
Running contract value update process
Generate types
Setting up a generate type
Amending a generate type
Deleting a generate type
Deferred revenue interfaces
Setting up a deferred revenue interface
Amending a deferred revenue interface
Deleting a deferred revenue interface
System options
Setting up system options
Value updates setup
Setting up a value update
Amending a value update
Deleting a value update
Running revenue reporting process
Managing security
Reporting on operator permissions
Maintaining a Financials audit trail
Audit trail of transactions
Audit trails and archived data
Operator ID audit trail transactions
Setting up Data Audit
Business Unit Group Selection form
Setting up the Data Audit Maintenance Plan
Data Audit Maintenance (DAM)
Setting up the Data Audit Configuration
Data Audit Configuration (DAC)
Data Audit Configuration actions
Extracting the audit data
Data Audit Extract (DAE)
The output file
Clearing down Audit Data
Data Audit Clear Down (DAL)
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